chapter 28: I.J.W.P.W

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Atop a building on rumble Island , the fight between Juri and Darli Dagger had all but finished.

Darli Dagger was at a disadvantage and she knew it , despite her attempts to find a weak spot on the female fighter , Juri would just keep on mixing things up making it impossible for her.

" Stay still so I can Cut ya!! " Darli yells as she swung her saw blade at her opponent.

Juri laughs and dodges the attack , backflipping and landing Infront of the unconscious Rin.
" That would make this easy for ya , wouldn't it? " She taunted.

Irritated. Darli stuck her blade into the ground and wound up her right arm.

" I've had about just about enough of this bullshit" she said through grit teeth.

Laughing , Juri pointed at the pirate.
" Only now!? Ahahahaa! We've been at this for a minute and only now you're tired of swinging that useless weapon "

With a final wind up , the pirate swings her right arm at Juri. The blow was coming so slowly , yet it seemed to carry so much force that it was literally pushing the air apart around her entire right arm.

But the blow didn't connect with juri's face.... instead it landed on a strong hand.

However the force of the blow carried past the blocking hand and the wind pushed against Juri , letting her know what kind of attack that was and what it could've done.

" What the!?! " They both asked.

The person blocking the attack and holding Darli's fist was none other than Rin himself....only he was visibly drained.

Juri glared at the girl before turning to catch Rin as he dropped down to one knee.

" Damn it!! I didn't ask for you're help!! I could've- "

" No. You weren't able to stop or dodge this kind of punch last time " Rin said , cutting her off and looking at her with a half smile.

Juri immediately remembered the first time they met , when she had attacked him so much and was swiftly shown the gap between their strengths by a single forward thrusting punch.

(" Fuck!! By the same attack too!! ") she thought.

Darli dropped to one knee and grabbed Rin's face.
" I'm glad you're okay! I shouldn't have dragged you here" she apologized.

Rin shook his head.
" Don't be....I've learnt alot from just this one fight. " he said.
He then turned back to Juri.
" I'm happy to see that you survived the explosion. I hope you're injuries have healed well "

Juri scoffed and kicked the back of his head. Not enough to knock him out , but enough to hurt him.
" Don't give me that crap. I'm not some fragile woman who breaks after a tussle like that "

He responded by rubbing the now hurting area.

" How did you even lose to a Bitch like that huh!? " Juri asked him.

Darli glared at her.
" You probably don't know who ' that bitch ' is , do ya? " She asked.

" Doesn't matter who the fuck she is! This fighter literally just beat a human devil , two in fact. And even beat Kazuya Frickin Mishima!! Who was definitely on a tier of his own " juri yelled.
" So how did you lose to a simple french chick!? "

Rin sighed and looked up at them.
" It's not an excuse.....but I was caught off guard multiple times. Not just by her bizarre movements....but also by her incredible speed and Dangerous attacks too " he explained.

Both Juri and Darli deadpanned at him.

Rin continued none the less.
" My father and mother helped me master the art of Chinese Kenpo and The Assassination Fist. "

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