chapter 29: Oh boy

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It was the first day of training for Rin.

He had gotten up from the bed he was allowed to sleep in , and immediately hit the showers before putting on his gi trousers and moving out of the I.J.W.P.W building.

His room was a spare one on the fifth floor , which was the floor above the medical floor.

As soon as he reached the third floor , he was met with the sight of all the mainline stars of the wrestling brand all dressed up and standing with crossed arms Infront of a large ring , which wasn't there when he fought against R.Mika the previous day.

Rin was about to open his mouth to speak when a bamboo sword hit his right leg causing him to instead keep shut and stay still.

Behind him , Harmageddon came forward and smirked at him.
" Alright! You're gonna be working with some of my most prized products! The crown jewels of my wrestling company! And we're definitely not gonna be taking it easy on ya " she stated , striking her bamboo sword against the floor , making a snapping sound that startled Rin for some reason.

" I am honored , Harmageddon " Rin replied as he bowed his head.

The woman smiled for a second before turning away and letting her back face him.
" Now , we usually have a physical test to see what you're body can and can't endure along with how much stamina you got in ya...... "
She paused.

Rainbow Mika continued for her.
" But , since you already bested me in combat , it's safe to say that you've got both the speed and toughness to go toe to toe with me " she stated with a proud grin.

The lights shut off and in its place , spotlights flashed and focused on the ring while Rainbow Mika continued.
" So we're just gonna skip to the next part. The rigorous training that comes with a long timeskip of usually one week " she announced.

While she and the other girls prepared to get Rin's training underway , Juri stood next to one of the windows and observed Rin closely.

She didn't know what exactly why she was still with him , after all she did have a mission to carry out.
So she approached him.

" Hey Karate Kid " she greeted sassily.

Rin turned to her and nodded in response.

With nothing said from his mouth , she proceeded.
" I'll be heading out now , I've got something I need to do on this island as well " she explained.

Rin nodded in understanding.

" Try not to die while I'm gone , got that? " She said.

The fighter nodded and extended his clenched fist to her.

She only knew him one day , and that was during the sports festival. And then the previous day which was total coincidence since she thought he was dead. And yet she couldn't help but understand the gesture as a sign of companionship.

" When this is over , I'll be able to give you that fight you've wanted " he stated , the first words he said to her the whole day.

She clenched her fist and bumped their fists to together before turning away from him and towards.
A smile fought it's way onto her face and try as she might  , she was barely concealing it.

" I'll hold you to that " she said as she descended down stairs that would lead her out of the building.

Rin nodded to himself and turned around , his burning passion to learn was beginning to make him excited. He stood ready as the wrestling females of the I.J.W.PW all looked at him with ferocious challenge.

With that , his training began

*2 days later*

*Somewhere else on the island*

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