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I've lost my mood since earlier. I turned off my phone so she can't contact me , if she even think of me as she's busy with that Aom. I locked myself in my room , not even talking to Phî and Unnie.

I've put my boxing gloves on and started doing some boxing practice . I have this mini punching bag in my room that my sister gave on my 18th birthday. I got interested on it when I was 16 as Phî made it as her hobby during her college days. Every punch I throw I am thinking of that girl's face.

I didn't even went out of my room for couple of hours until I get thirsty then decided to grab some water in the kitchen .


"Take it slowly , don't force yourself" I said to Lisa who keeps standing and trying to dance , she being playful.

"Ooh aww . " Lisa cried a bit in pain as she was out of balance and almost fell. I was quick to catch her.

"I told you be careful. " I scolded her

"It's okay I'm used to it " She said then smirked

"Huh?what do you mean?"
I asked

"Cause I keep falling for you everyday " then winked at me

I blushed and hit her arm

"Yaaaahhh you're bluffing me" I can't hide my gummy smile

"Aww that hurts " she acted as if I hit her hard but was just soft.

"Don't be overacting , it was just a tap"

"Oh yeah but I'm worried. Is your back aching?" Lisa asked me with a curious face.

"Me?no , why do you ask?"

"Cause you're an angel who fell from heaven , must have been painful falling from the sky " she laughed and I did too

"Lisaayaah stop this cheesy pick up lines."

"You don't like it?"

"I do of course . But you know what else do I want?"


I grabbed her shirt then touched her face and traced her nose then lips . I gave her a peck then a slow tender kiss.

Lisa's hand despite having crutch is exploring my waist and bum.

I'm trying to unbutton her polo shirt when someone cleared her throat from our back

"Eheeeemmmm" Becky excused herself and we just both stood there awkwardly and of course had to stop what we're doing.



I expected Becky to tease us or say something but she just passed by directly to the kitchen to get some bottle of water. Something's really wrong with her. Despite of me wanting to continue what me and Jennie were doing I don't want to be insensitive and selfish sister.

I didn't want her to witness that and I'm shy with her but I took courage to ask her.

"Becky ?" I asked before she can even go inside her room

"Yes?" She answered plainly

"Do you want to eat dinner outside?"

"I am not in mood"

"Hmm how about we watch movie?" I tried again but she seems not interested.

"I don't wanna go out" she said.

This time Jennie asked her .
"Or how about a movie marathon? I'll cook dinner. I can do better than those restaurant out there "

Becky is about to decline the offer but Jennie grabbed her hand to the couch then asked her to sit . Then she open Netflix then handed remote to Becky so she can decide what to watch .

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