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We arrived in the airport and boarded on the plane. It will just be a 4 hour flight so it wouldn't take that long. I'm feeling excited for Lisa and nervous for myself though I know mom already gave her blessings to us , Kai is still around. Mom called me the night before the flight she told me a bad news as she's trying to file case for Kai and paid a visit on him with Irene , the unlikely thing to happen just happened. The maniac escaped as caught by cctv wearing a uniform that he robbed from the nurse that he knocked from the corridor during night shift and he locked on his room and seen hopping a taxi. Mom said I should not worry as she will make sure I'm safe as I landed . She will ask our guards to pick us. I told Lisa and she assured me she will protect me from Kai. Even Becky and Freen were mad when they found. They even joke that they will spend their vacation to hunt that maniac.

I leaned my shoulder to Lisa as she stared from the window side and amazed by the clouds . Her side profile never declines , so stunning and mesmerizing. I'd die in this position happily. I feel safe whenever she's with me.

On the other side are the two lovers that are giggling with something they're watching on the ipad with shared earpods. I looked at them but they gave me a mischievous stare . Meanwhile , their parents are just talking about random stuffs mostly about their first travel and dates. I hope Lisa and I will grow old together just like them.



I'm watching some funny videos with Freen while on the plane . We didn't notice the time and we already landed . We walk while holding our hands and to my surprise when we are on the arrival area , were surrounded by a dozen of guards. Are we like royals or state person ? It's as if I'm a kpop star doing a world tour haha. Me and Freen was a bit shock but I saw Jennie unnie smiled to one of the man and she told us
"It's fine guys, they're working for us. Please hop in"

Jennie unnie let our parents first , it would be great if Freen's mom and Jennie unnie's dad can come with us too but as he is sick , he need to stay .

As per P'Lisa we will first visit Jennie unnie's house , we might actually stay there instead of the hotel as Jennie unnie is insisting there's a lot of room there we can use. She even teased us that Freen can sleep in the maid's room and I on the guest room so we will behave ourselves which earned a grin from our parents .

We entered a private village, where each almost after 5 houses will have a checkpoint . Five houses because each house or should I say mansion or palace is pretty huge. If you will compare it to our house it will be multiplied by 20 . I don't exaggerate , it's how big houses are here.

We finally arrived unnie's house and we're not disappointed. You will think that a monarch lives here.

From the gate itself , it's like for giant. The swimming pool , the garden and the garage that looks like a car show with full of expensive models. Wow am I dreaming?
Even Freen was amazed. I also saw mom and dad eyes and jaw dropped.

In the hall are full of maids welcoming us who are lined up to greet us. Then suddenly the main door opened with a woman that you won't deny looks like unnie . She's smile to us and gestured her hand to welcome us.

"Welcome everyone , how's the flight? Come in please"  she asked then gazed to us then to our parents then she walked with us through the living room.

Our bags were carried by the men and the maids are carrying some food trays with juices , sandwhiches and a lot more. My eyes are just wandering simply. It's so elegant in here.

They talk a bit and we introduced ourselves and everything. JENNIE'S mom asked the maids to help us go to our rooms and out parents. I didn't believe that they prepared four rooms , one for me, Freen, mom and dad . We negotiated and asked for just two . JENNIE'S mom seems to be hesitant saying their guest room is small but is she kidding? Her guest room is bigger than my room and my sister's room combined hahaha. Maybe that's how rich they are.

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