3🏷️ Nominations

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"I formally open the nomination," Mr. Min started.
"I nominate Joshua Hong as class President," Dk shouted with a smile plastered on his face.
"Okay Seokmin, no need to yell"
"I'm sorry sir I was just excited," he giggled.
"Hmm you're so cute seokmin-ah"

And he noticed a hand, "Yes, Seungkwan?"
"I would like to nominate Yoon Jeonghan as class President."

Another person then raised a hand,"Yeah, Mr. Jun?"
"Oh! I'm sorry I was just stretching hehe," Jun chuckled and got hit by his friends by his clumsiness.

Suddenly a hand rose once more , "Hmm, Mingyu?"
"May I go out sir?"
"I thought you have someone to nominate, okay you can go out now"
"Well then, I close the nomination sir," he chuckled and then confidently went out.

"Why he looks so calm while doing that?"
"He looks cocky"
"Pffttt... Yahhh cocky my foot HAHAHAHAHA," they then laughed together.

"For the candidates for president please come forward and say something to persuade your dear classmates and what's you're plan in our class to be much more better and as a leader", they both went to the front. Eventually, though, they stayed apart from one another. Even now that they hated each other's presence.


"Okay listen people! Raised you hands if you want Joshua to be our a class president," teacher proceeds.
A lot of hands raised ,"Okay next, who wants jeonghan to be our class president," many of them choose him too.

They discovered that they nearly had a tie while they waited the results of the final count.
"Joshua and Jeonghan had a close result, but Joshua scored significantly a bit higher, therefore I announced Joshua as our president of Class Damers and Jeonghan will be our vice president. Is that okay to you, Jeonghan? And for class will you agree?," They only nodded in response to Mr. Min's query, and Jeonghan was still deep in thought.

He was a previous leader of each year, so he just can't believe he wasn't the class president this time. Sadly, Joshua is the reason he isn't this time!

"Hey, Mr. Min asking you if you're okay on your position as Vice-president," seungcheol tapped Jeonghan and he then noticed all of them looking at him.

"Oh yes! I accept this position, and I thank you for allowing me to do so. I will work hard to fulfill my duties," he said as he sat down.

"Awe our vice president looks disappointed but it's Okay~ Deep in our hearts you're still our Best Angel President of Class A (their old section)," Seungkwan said cheering him up.

"Yes and you have to work together with our President,"Dino added that Jeonghan almost forgot about that.

" I just hope that you two would get along well, Goodluck!,"Wonwoo says. His friends are aware of the two's strained relationship and animosity toward one another.

"How about you try to be friends with him Jeonghan? He's not that bad, just try to know him better. Nothing bad if you not try?", Seungcheol ask him but Jeonghan escalates his anger again.
"WTH Cheol?! You hear what you sayin' now? Nothing bad happen? Well if that happens there would occur a war out of nowhere and NO I don't like to be friends with that jerk!," He says in a medium voice that only them could hear.
"Okayyy Sorry just saying, I just want to help. Thinking that you two will work together, how can you-," before he could finish his sentence Jeonghan spoke.

"I can handle it don't worry. I'm tryin' to think something else "
How can I avoid him without getting into an interaction with him? This is stressful. I don't know anymore! I just want to avoid him, but how can I? Now we have to work together. He crumpled the empty bottle to let his anger out. The group just gulped; they've known him since middle school, and they know about his anger issues.

Author's 📝
A short update for y'all~
I'm done with the others and ps I prepared something to make this thing interesting cuz it looks like boring by just reading it.
So please look forward to it! I really work hard to make this and I hope you support and love this story. Spread love ❤️
Like/ Vote/ Comment is much appreciated~

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