13🏷️ Class Damers

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Class Damers are practicing their choreography in the gym, while the vocalists are practicing in the studio. As the program begins tomorrow, others are finishing up their booths. Everything went as planned, and each student had their own job. Additionally, Jeonghan and Joshua's dance includes a duet dance towards the ending of their choreography.

"Ayeee hyung, finally he dance with his crush", Jun teased.

"Thank me later, that was my idea lol", minghao said and his group of friends started to teased him.

"That was the epitome of a hate to lover haha, so why did you like him? You used to despise each other, right? What makes you change your mind?", Seokmin inquired, and all remained silent as they eyed him and waited his response.

"I just realized that I liked him, yeh."

"Are you sure? It's a sudden", he repeats, and Joshua is contemplating something.

"Yes, I have no reason I just liked him the way he is", they nodded. And it's end of their break as they went back to practice again. After finishing, they returned to practicing. Once it was finished, everyone headed to their classroom to take a rest. They turned on the TV in their rooms and started a movie marathon. All of the curtains were closed, the lights were off, and just the speaker and the sound of the air conditioner could be heard inside.

"You know super mario and luigi parted ways. Super mario went to the mushroom kingdom and luigi went to-", they hold mingyu's mouth as he spoiled the scene from the movie Super Mario Bros.

"We know that you already done watching it but stop spoiling will you?!", they yelled that Mingyu was astonished and eventually moved to concentrate on the TV screen instead.

"Ok, sorry. You hot headed", he laughed. A minutes later, some got bored that they use their phones. 

Joshua was looking for jeonghan as he didn't saw the other and his friends are all here, that he message him.

Jeonghan was about to stand when a girl approach him

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Jeonghan was about to stand when a girl approach him.

"Hi! Are you friends with Joshua oppa, right?", she suddenly said. "Can you send this to him?", she grabbed jeonghan's hands and handed over the heart box.

"I-I made this for him and I worked hard to baked it, I hope you send it to him", she shyly muttered and jeonghan was confused looking at it.

"Why me? You can give it to him instead", he said glancing at her.

"Oh I'm shy and just give it to him, I'm happy as long as he received it", she blushed. This bitch in  her delulu era and that he take it. 'Just help her once' he thought.

"Ok", he uttered that she lighted her face.

"Thank you~", she said twinkled her eyes and jeonghan started to walk going back to their room. He rolled his eyes, smirking while looking at the box. "I became cupid's delivery".

After he went there unlocking the door, the room are messed. Chairs are placed on the sides and his classmates on the center. Jihoon is in the front together with his guitar. He silently went to joshua's table and put the box under his table. He spotted his friends and sit beside them.

"Where on earth have you been? We've been looking for you", seungcheol said and he was confused by what he was seeing.

"What happened here? Why are the seats in a mess and why those in the front?", he perplexedly questioned his friends.

"I don't know, I think they'll sing. This must be fun", Seungkwan excitedly muttered.

Jihoon began playing the guitar as hoshi, mingyu, and jun hit the tables as if it were a drum. The moods lift and students vibing. They sung; Angels like you by Miley Cyrus.
(I added it above, you can play that song while reading ^^)

"Are you ready Damers! Let's all say!", Hoshi shouted like he was in a concert.

"Flowers in hand, waiting for me. Every word in poetry", Jihoon started.

"Won't call me by my name, only baby. The more that you give the less that I need EVERYONE SAYS I LOOK HAPPY, WHEN IT FEELS RIGHT", seungkwan and dk sung suddenly positioned his pen like it's a microphone. His friends supported him by dancing and cheering.

"ALL AT ONCE!", Dk yelled, and the whole class started to sing.

"I KNOW THAT YOU'RE WRONG FOR ME, GONNA WISH WE NEVER MET ON THE DAY I LEAVE! I BROUGHT YOU DOWN TO YOUR KNEES 'CAUSE THEY SAY THAT MISERY LOVES COMPANY!", they sang together and others shouted getting emotional by the song. They freely sing and for the first time jeonghan experience this. His former class never do this as they compete each other. No fun just doing your own business and study alone. However, class damers behaved differently; they had the freedom to enjoy themselves and do as they pleased. No rivalry, always content. He smiled by this new feeling, and he saw Joshua on the other side staring at him. He gulped and noticed that he smiled at him.

On the other hand his female classmates crying, she was in a broken relationship with her boyfriend. And her friends comforting her. "Sad girl, in her broken era"


The basketball team began preparing for its game the following day. Cheerleaders are present on stage so that they can perform their dances flawlessly while they compete against the other teams. They've been having their training every weekend, they all confident to compete with the other but still continue to practice. Their team is the most powerful and skillful in basketball, they're always the champion.


The officials announced the start of the ceremony as they gathered in the Schools Court, and everyone then moved to the entrance to take part in the festivities. The marriage booth, the jail booth, the pop-it balloon, the lovers booth, the tattoo booth, the Pledis high booth, the beverages booth, the Halloween booth, and so on are all displayed here.

Joshua was occupied setting up their exhibit while the officers were on station

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Joshua was occupied setting up their exhibit while the officers were on station. He finished his task and was just about to sit down. He was pulled by the students.


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