15🏷️ My Darkest

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"As the YOU CAN DUET was done. We'll move on to the next category, DANCE FOR ALL, ALL FOR DANCE!", the MC announces. He chose at random from a piece of paper that lists the names of each group.

"For our first performer, CLASS DAMERS. Please come forward and be ready backstage", he said and they we're shocked. "Let's go guys we can do this!", they entered the backstage area with a lot of nervousness. The other students or should I say the Class Amber were smirking and mocking them while looking to be imitating one another. The class amber was good at rivalry and underestimating class damers but they we're opposite among the group. This is where jeonghan and his circle former class.

They didn't paid attention to it as they all went silently walk towards the backstage "I know all of us are getting nervous right now but let's all remember the hard work we've been through to made this choreo. I have faith in you guys and I know we can pull this off. Hwaiting", Joshua said and all of them felt a little more calm.

They gesturing for everyone to place their hands in the center. "Yes we are class damers! We are ONE!", they shouted and after that they positioned to the stage. The audiences could see the smiles on their faces as they grew excited for them to start their presentation. As soon as the song started, they transformed into a monster, surprising many viewers. The choreography and enthusiasm were insanely amazing. They perform to the best of what they can do, and you can tell that they were having fun. The girls were getting ready at the back as they were the next to go in. Unfortunately, their nervousness faded during their dance. They're playing remixes of songs including "Hot," "Pink Venom," "Cupid," "Left and Right," "New Thing," "Queen Card," "Super," and, lastly, "Die for You."

Damers performed the song "Super" flawlessly and almost near. Jun, minghao, chan, and hoshi look at jeonghan and joshua gestured to get ready for their last part. The lights turned off and they both positioned to the center.
"I think my heart getting out", jeonghan said and joshua tapped him.
"We can do this jeonghan, just look at me and imagine we're only in here", he said and jeonghan deep sighed closing his eyes. He slowly open his eyes and that he look at him directly, Joshua gulped. He was confident with this as they practice it a while ago but now he's nervous not because of the dance but the person in front of him.

Die for You began to play, and they were the center of attention. They perfect their dancing by concentrating on the sound. The performers' chemistry was great, and they moved so beautifully that their expressions perfectly conveyed the lyrics of the song, leaving the viewers in astonishment. He rotated him and then, as they were looking at each other, he gripped Jeonghan's waist and caressed Joshua's side face. The sight of their dazzling eyes and the ability to feel the sparks filling them astounded.

As they completed their dance, everyone cheered and clapped for them. Class Amber was taken aback by their performance because they weren't expecting it to be as impressive. They still in that position and noticed that they we're done so they rapidly released their hold on one another.

"That was amazing! You made us all surprised by your performance Class Damers, and for the both of you. It's doesn't look like you both was fighting last time but it was an unexpected that you both had a perfect chemistry. Let's give them an applause, thank you for making us feel good by your performance", the speaker said and they all bowed to the crowd and left the stage.

"That was good, the both of you really did well for the last part", they said.

"Thank me that was my idea but it's really surprising that they both really did that", minghao said.

"Yeah right! You just said that they will look at each other for the last part", mingyu said chuckling.

"I was also shocked that knowing they didn't even stand to look at their faces and later they did it. Really, I respect you minghao", Hoshi said and all of them laughing.

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