24🏷️ Wish

358 31 7

(/*Smooth like butter)🚨

We headed inside the tent to get settled down. He seemed to have planned this and reserved a campsite for just the two of us. Since we are the only campers in this area, yet it is quite far from the city, it is peaceful.

I'm in the lead since I was excited to have this experience. I used to fantasize about doing this with a special someone in my life. Guess what? It's already happening!

It is filled with a calming, nostalgic vibe.  How magnificent all existence really is.

Together, we lie down and gaze at the stars. The nighttime became their favorite time.

Stars look like they twinkle due to turbulence in the earth's atmosphere which causes our eyes to see the stars as changing in brightness and position Aside from stargazing, watching city lights is also therapeutic.  And throughout that, they're having inside jokes and finishing each other's sentences as casual as anything.

"Stars have different colors depending on their temperature. The hottest stars are blue, followed by white, yellow, orange, red, and the coolest star is brown," Jeonghan said conversing it.

"These stars are nothing compared to the ones I've seen in your eyes," said Joshua, taking in the view only featuring jeonghan. He gave him an adoring look, and Jeonghan, turning his head to his side, caught him.

"To me, you are the entire universe", Joshua randomly said still gazing at me.
We locked eyes "And the universe said: I love you." I respond then we smile to each other.

A shooting star streak the night sky.

"Shooting star, make a wish hannie" he said and I close my eyes with both hands clasp.

"I wish joshuji would kiss me right now."

In a flash, his lips were on mine I'm clinging to him, putting my arms around his neck, stroking his hair, and drawing him closer to me. He tastes so sweet. So hot and so sweet and I keep trying to say his name but I can't even get a breath, much less utter a single syllable.

His mouth opened, lips parted, and I was never one to leave an opportunity unexplored. Every part of me wanted to wrap around him, wanted to make this a special kiss, make every touch one he'd crave, because I was slowly becoming an addict and I didn't want to be the only one.

My hands were in his hair, pulling him even closer, exploring my mouth with his tongue.

His hands move holding my cheeks, and he pulls back just to look me in the eye and his chest is heaving.

Panting with my pulse pounding in my veins, I looked into his eyes. He looked back into mine, It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world. The kind that takes forever and no time at all.

"I think," I paused and whispered, "my heart is going to explode," and I wished more than ever that I had known how to capture such moments so that I could revisit them eternally. Because this.

This is everything.

"Wish granted, my ai." Joshua chuckled and kissed Jeonghan's forehead... tracing a path of kisses down to his cheeks ... nose...ears...neck ... finally landing his plump lips on him, devouring his mouth... unleashing all the passion he felt for jeonghan right in that moment.

"What's your wish by the way?", jeonghan asked. He was curious since his boyfriend didn't say it to him yet.

"I wish your happiness", he merely said. Is that it? A happiness?

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