4🏷️ Cafeteria

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*After a week*
This week will be starting their normal class.

"Hey, have you heard? Joshua and Jeonghan are fighting?!"
"Yes, At cafeteria and I saw Jeonghan punch Joshua," the student said and they didn't realize that the teacher was in their back and overheard their conversations.
"They're WHAT?!," the teacher shouted and both students surprised.

~Joshua POV~

~Joshua POV~

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We have a meeting for our basketball team this afternoon as announced

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We have a meeting for our basketball team this afternoon as announced.
We just dismissed a minute ago and we're at the cafeteria right now. Math is so boring that I could sleep the whole session. Simply said, general math is full of various integers and the never-ending search for x and y. Where in the world I find that X?!! Well my X is in another dimention having her own fantasy life. Yes! My ex-girlfriend and I broke up 4 years ago after I found out that she had been cheating and been using me.

We we're having our lunch together with my crackhead friends and casually having our conversation.

"Eyyyy~", they said putting their food at their chosen table.
"Why our food are so little and tasteless!," Seokmin.
"The lady at the counter looks so intimidating and her thin line brows are getting on my nerves," minghao.
"Yah you're so meannn but yeh I hate it to HAHAHAHA,"Jun.
"It appears that she simply drew a line on it," they laughed.
"Here seokmin, you can have my sausage," woozi.
"Thanks Hyung~"

"BTW, why you not like sausage? Sausage are delicious!" Seokmin questions.
"Sausage is bad for our health seokmin-ah ~  It contains a high in sodium that can cause cancer and heart disease, so you must also avoid too much of that"
"Ok but I still like it hehe," He chuckled.

"Shua hyung, I have a question," he sudden open a topic and others are merely listening.
"I'm tired Jun. Stop bothering me and just eat your food."
"No, I'm really curious about it that I can't sleep for almost 2 days"
"Hmm... Ok just make it quick, I'll hit you're ass if that's nonsense"
"Do fishes ever get thirsty?"
He blinked several times but eventually noticed that Joshua gripping the glass of juice, ready to throw him but he luckily dodge it.
"Oopsieee! I'm fast lol~," Jun said in a teasing tone.
However, they noticed the person, who was on his back. When they realized who had just been splashed, they were horrified.

"OMG! What the heck who splash water on hi-," before he could finish his words, a loud thud suddenly hushed everybody.

"WHO THE HELL IS THAT!," He shouted and saw joshua holding the glass.

"I'm s-sorry, that was an accident. I didn't mean to throw it on y-you," Joshua stuttered. He stuttered for the first time that his friends look at him. He was quite tensed.

"OH! JOSHUA you just throw me a juice that my uniform are now dirty and dreanched!", Jeonghan shouted that many students started to gather the scene.

"I'm r-really sorry jeonghan, I'll just buy you one or pay for the drycleaning. I didn't mean to throw it out on you."
"HUH! You really hated me that much Joshua that you even splashed me!," He frown.

"Maybe you liked me too much that you want my attention?! We'll I don't like you and get lost you son of a bitch!," smirking and he saw Joshua are getting angry .

"That was a long time ago when I'm still blind about you're angelic yet you're just a demon! I hate you before but I'm getting annoyed by you just now."


"You've hated me after their breakup right?! You can't hate me because of them! It's their own business and decision. And FYI you're sister cheated on him!," he yelled furiously.

"We'll you're f*ucking brother lied to you! He was the one who cheated on her first," he yelled fiercely. He adores his sister so much that he would do anything to defend her. He can't take it when people disparage her sister.

Minghao: "Hey you have any idea about what they we're saying?"
Vernon: "No and I think this will going bad...really BAD..."
Woozi: "I never seen Joshua hyung getting angry this much before"
Jun: "We should stop them before they cou-," but Joshua cut them.

"I don't think so because both of you are the same! You cheaters!," And that Joshua felt a punch on his face and fell on the ground that all of the students in the cafeteria shocked. That was jeonghan's limit and can't take it anymore.

"WHAT THE- ARE YOU CRAZY!," Joshua now gripped jeonghan's collar.
"HEY STOP THEM NOW," both of their friends are holding them but then interrupted by the teacher.

"STOP!! WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!" the teacher yelled and both Joshua and jeonghan parted, still glaring.

Author's 📝
Another update again my ka Ligaya's! So as I mentioned before I added a socmed wherein they could communicate with other characters and make this story more interesting. 🤩
Other K-pop idols or groups are also mentioned. Expect some new idols in the future too!
Uri Ligaya_Jihan AU rank #30! Thank you guys without you Ligaya can't achieve this. And as an author I will try and do my best to work and upload an amazing stories. Please look forward to it but next week I only upload once because I have also other responsibilities and finals that I need to focus on it.

Vote/star/comment is much appreciated ^^

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