19 🏷️ Youth Encounter

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Their school informs them that this year they will have a youth encounter. They were delighted because youth encounters are always lively and filled with enjoyable activities. A weekend program called Youth Encounter gives young people like us the chance to develop their faith alongside their peers. Since Pledis High  is a religious school, this only takes place once a year.

"This is the form and parent's consent before you attend this YE.", Mr. Min said and we nod. They pass it on us.

"You are going to stay there for three days during this youth experience. There, you will spend the entirety of the day and take pleasure in every moment. You should take note of this opportunity, and I hope we'll go together.", he added. Some made giggling noises, most of the YE was just 1 day but this time is different.

"Class dismissed"



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Since that incident (jeonghan drunk), they go back to their old ways, we ignored each other like neither of us existed. Guess what? I'm right haha. He simply said those things to me since he was inebriated that day.  I'm a fool to believe that.

We will be attending the youth meeting today.  Mr. Min added that they have a surprise in prepared for us. Additionally, I'm very excited to be able to reminisce with my friends and classmates. This is our last YE together since we will graduate the following year, so we will enjoy it as much as we want.

All of us will be going. I put my three-day-only items in my bag. I was in charge of checking our attendance, so I got to school early. Because they carried so many bags, some people arrived with their enormous luggage as if they were traveling to another country, while others appeared to be moving out of the house.  We were reminded at the outset not to bring too much because it might not fit on our bus.

I sighed, I waited for them to come in and get into the car. I saw seungcheol and his friends arrived. "Good morning Shua", he greeted me with a smile and same to his friends except jeonghan. "Have a great morning Pres"

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