6🏷️ Library

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It's Monday again so I'm at school, our first subject is math and afterwards is the Quantitative Research. Our teacher gave us the time to brainstorm for our research title and what would be the possible topic that are related to our strand. And for the teammates, the teacher chose it. Thankfully we're not in the same group. The bell rang and it's our lunch, my friends and I went to the cafeteria to eat. We look for a vacant place, good thing there's one and it is far from the place where Joshua and his friends.

"Good thing there's a vacant here," seungcheol said and then he put his food on the table.

"It is better that they are far away from each other, or else they might fight again," Dino said started to eat his food. While wonwoo, was just eating silently like he have his own world.

"Wonwoo hyung~ Are you not tired and bored of being like that?", Dino again says and wonwoo look up on him.

"No, don't mind me just do your own business, okay?," he says. He was always like that but sometimes when we're together he's so talkative. But should I say he was talkative once in a blue moon. He then suddenly stood up.

"I will go to the library, see you later guys," he said.

"You're not done yet with your food wonu-yah~,"seungcheol said.

"Oh I'm done already and I'm not that hungry...so I'll leave you guys enjoy your lunch," he said and he gave it to the counter where the plate would be placed.

We talk some random topics and after we're done we went back to the classroom because the bell was about to ring.

We're done in our two subjects and last is the Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st century. She discuss the concepts for the lesson and she announce that we have a group project which is analyzation and research.

"I will be the one to chose your partners for this project," she says and others murmuring.

"Jihoon your partner is Seungcheol," others are teasing them and seungcheol on the other side was blushing.

"Do you like Jihoon?," I ask and he whispered. "Yes, but don't tell anyone".

"Next! Wonwoo with...Mingyu"

"Hansol with Seungkwan," and seungkwan giggled. I'm happy for him, he has a long time crush with him but the other didn't noticed.

"Minghao with Jun"

"Soonyoung with Seokmin"

"Dino with Kleah", other student names was mention and have their partners. But my name still not and waiting for it to announce.

"Lastly... Jeonghan your partner is Joshua. That's all for today and be ready on May 13 for your presentation," we bid our goodbye to her. I was stunned, I'm trying to avoid him but how can I?...that fate always have ways to be close with my enemy. I felt a tap in my shoulder and I look up who was it.

"Jeonghan...I'm sorry to disturb you but we need to do our task that would be starting today," Joshua said and I feel like my blood is rising again. I ignored him and I immediately left the room.

"Hey! Wait for me!," he shouted and rush to get his bag. He's now following me at the back, I don't want to be in troubled again so the best way to do that is to ignore him and finish this fvcking punishment.

I went to the janitors room and took the necessary cleaning supplies. It starting to get dark so I quickly clean the sink and other dirt in the comfort area.

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