22🏷️ Ligaya

445 35 44

(*/melted cheese 🧀 🚨)

As jeonghan returned while carrying two cups of coffee and a box of breads. Joshua quickly put the notebook to where it placed.

"I'm back~", he cutely said and set the drinks on the cup holder of the automobile.

"Why are you blushing there my joshuji", jeonghan said that made Joshua more blushing messed. He was taken aback by the sudden nickname.

"J-josh-uji?", he stuttered.

"Yes, joshuji. I just think that's kinda cute and I only made it for you. Do you like it?", he asked, tilting his head to get a good look at his lover. Joshua cast a wary glance in the other direction feeling uneasy.

"Why are you looking away? Joshuji", he pouted; drawing Joshua's attention to him. Why are this person be so unreal?! He is so damn fucking adorable! This making him crazy.

"Where do you want to go for our first date... Hannie?", Joshua replied back; which caused Jeonghan to feel his cheeks pink as strawberry. Now, seeing him gives him butterflies and flustered at the same time, a feeling that he never felt before. A soft lofy background music played, imagine like they're in a romantic movie. This feeling makes him happier than anything in this world.

Joshua, his previous enemy who was now his boyfriend, had him madly in love.

"A-anything? It's my first time," he muttered, but Joshua could still hear him because they were in the car.

Joshua softly held jeonghan's warm hands "Anything, first time? Okay, I gotchu. Joshuji will make Hannie happy", he said; pecked his back hands and giving him a smile. Joshua started the engine and they holding hands while he's driving.


-Van Gogh Exhibit-

They went on their first date at this van Gogh exhibit

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They went on their first date at this van Gogh exhibit. Jeonghan was stunned that he couldn't speak. He has always admired Vincent van Gogh's artwork, therefore this is a truly unforgettable experience for him. Joshua gives him a quick glance since he knows Jeonghan is going to love this. The night they returned home, he spent a lot of time thinking how he could make his boyfriend happy. Fortunately for him, his brother Taehyung received a ticket as he is unable to go. He realized that this exhibition was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he took advantage of both and attended with Jeonghan.

He smiled and jeonghan still focus on the sight of the monitors, his eyes sparkling like a stars above, frozen in time. Moments like this evoke a subtle nostalgia.

"Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you", Joshua uttered to him. Jeonghan turned to face him, he was enchanted by the pretty colors in his eyes. He look at him, it's like admiring a beautiful work of art. Thinking about him makes his heart blush. Joshua can't help but gaze at him also, wondering how anyone could be so perfect.

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