11🏷️ Can I court you?

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After finishing our research paper, I went in search of my phone to tell Jeonghan so he wouldn't have to worry.

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I lay my phone on my bed after deciding to go for a walk outside

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I lay my phone on my bed after deciding to go for a walk outside. I made up my mind to take a walk because I wasn't yet sleepy. I saw my brother at the living room and he noticed me.

"Where are you going?", Taehyung said.

"Oh, I'll just go for a walk, I don't feel like going to bed yet." He nodded as I responded.
"Is that so? Can you pass by on a café?"

"Sure, but what are doing that made you busy?"

"I'm assisting our business and worrying about dad. Because of his age, he was becoming weaker, and I kept getting calls from companies asking me to be a model for their products. They are starting to irritate me already."

"That must be difficult. I'll go on and take a break for a while", I remarked as I got ready to put on my shoes and left.

"All right, take care!", he yelled.

Due to the numerous security measures in place at both our villa and the town, I wasn't particularly afraid to venture outside. There are street sellers right on the side of the road and streetlights at every corner. The night market, which opened at 9:00 p.m. and closed at midnight, was what I liked the most. Many people are going out, including tourists who are coming to the area and want to experience it. The distance to the night market from my house is around 1 kilometer. I'm in a sort of mood to walk right now, and I like to look at the moon because it soothes me.

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