5🏷️ Office

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As they entered the teachers' office, they stood far away from each other.

"You BOTH! What happened awhile back and ended up fighting?! Aren't you ashamed of what you're doing?", The teacher says.

"Sorry teacher," both Joshua and jeonghan lowered their head. Guilty of what they have done.

"I'm so disappointed of you guys. You think it's a good influence on what you we're showing to the other students and lower years?."

"No, sir." They both says.

"I don't want to miss these things. I will give you a task as a punishment and think about what you have done", they both look up of the teacher's words.

"B-but teacher?", Jeonghan says.

"No buts mr. jeonghan, if you pay attention to your actions in the first place, you can't be punish like this", then Joshua just side eyeing him.

"So for your punishment,  both of you will clean the bathroom, and library after your class for 2weeks", They sighed, that must be hard for them.

"I will check you after if you did your job properly, you can start tomorrow. You understand?", they nodded.

"Yes, sir.", both says. They know they messed up.

"Okay, you can go out now ." They did and separate ways. The bell rang and they rush out to go on their next class.

*SKIP after class*

"Shua, What happened on the office awhile ago? You seemed so empty", Vernon ask.
"I'm sorry josh for what happened, I didn't know that would happened. I'm veryyyy sorryyyyy it's my fault. I should've say that," Jun says apologizing.
"It's okay jun, it's not your fault and my anger just got out that ended badly", Joshua response.

"So what happened in the office then?", mingyu ask.

"We have given a task as a punishment." Joshua sighed.

"OMGGG what's the punishment?!," Minghao says.

"Calm down you over reacted Hao hahaha. So after class we must clean the bathrooms and library."

"That would be hard and cleaning is not a joke. Most especially for you, you can't even clean your room HAHAHA", Seokmin joked and all of them laughed.

"You're so bad kyeomie~ Btw you guys go now first. We have a meeting for basketball team," They bid their goodbyes and the three of them went to their meeting.

They saw Coach Jeon and other gathered and went there. They waited for a minute for the others to arrived and started their meeting.

"Warm welcome to our Team for new players," coach greeted the players, same to the old players.
"So as announced we will be having a good news so pay attention," they all nodded.
"We've been chosen to opposed to Starlight School for basketball this year. So you guys must prepare and help the new players. What are we again dumbers?!", Coach yelled and the new players was confused.

"WE ARE ONE DUMBERS!," they shouted and they all laughed.

"Okay! THAT'S THE ENERGY. So for the new players please introduced yourself to the team!", They step forward one by one and got used by the energy. They are happy and excited.

"So Hyunjin, Heeseung, Jay, and Sunghoon. WELCOME TO DUMBERS TEAM! Your seniors or bro's will assist you in sessions and practice and I will help you too. But you can help me too by finding a LOVELIFE," He winked jokingly and they laughed.

"Stop that again! You player, you already have a lot of girlfriends." Joshua says.

"HA! I didn't realize uri JISOOS IS HERE!" Joshua just ignored him and started to communicate with the other players.

"OKAY GUYS LISTEN! We will start to practice next next week. If you have something to ask just come to our captain Josh. I go now because I have a date later hahaha." They started laughing to their coach's actions. He rush out and after a minute of conversations, they all decided to go home.

I'm at my room and tiredly lying on my bed. My mom got home and it's the first time because she was always busy on her work. She can't live without her work.

"Jeonghan! Come down, Dinner's ready!", She yelled and I run down. We quietly eating and again it's the first time we eat together for a long time. What happened to her today? I wish this before to come and I guess it's happening? I thought this day was bad but I guess there's something good to happen after a bad day.

"So, How's you're study?", My mom started.

"It's good," I answered.

"As you should! That's the only thing you could do in the family," she says and her serious face got me goosebumps.
I just nodded and lowered my head.

"You must be like your cousin Shaine. She's always on the top, always number one in everything. So you should too be on the top and don't disappoint me. You heard me Yoon Jeonghan?", my mom says. I guess I never have a nice day.

"Don't lower your head like that while I'm talking. You must respect you're elders, You are lack of manners!", she yelled and I got nervous. I don't know what to do, my hands are cold and trembling right now.

"Okay mom, I'm sorry." I said to her and then she got up leaving the table.

I'm alone again.
✍️ 📝
Hello ka ligaya's! Thank you for 150+ readers! I'll try to upload as much as I can so bear with me. We're still going on the exciting part.
Please like/vote/comment/share are much appreciated.

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