16🏷️ Red Flag

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It's their basketball tournament and Pledis Team are now getting ready for their game.


My teams and I are already on the court, we try out a few times. Due to their knowledge and skill, teaching new players is not a tough task either.

All we're waiting for is seungcheol, I don't know why, he's late now. He never got late at all. I was about to take out my phone to call him when I saw him by the bleachers.
Jeonghan and their friends are with him. But seungcheol's every move caught my attention.

I know it's normal for friends to care for each other but why do he have to hold his hand and fix his hair? Is that just what normal friends do? Or am I just wrong or maybe I was just hallucinating?
This past few days they're so close, like every time I see them they are very clingy to each other. I don't know, seungcheol and I are friends but his clinginess towards jeonghan is different. He couldn't do that to jihoon, and even I. So I wondered, does he like jeonghan?

I hope not... maybe this is just jealous, Joshua. Yes, perhaps he had that attitude because they had been close friends for so long. There is nothing to be jealous of, I don't have a right to feel jealous, we're just friends.

The game are preparing to start, there are many people and the court is almost full because of the spectators. Our coach, signaled to come over because he had something to say.

"Okay, remember. Even if our opponent is weak, don't be careless because I heard that they have techniques. I don't know what it is, but I notice that every move they make has a trick going on. Do your best, I know you are strong and I trust you guys. So you should trust yourselves, you have the name of the dumbers in the palm of your hand", he said and suddenly heeseung spoke.

"Coach, we don't have the name of dumbers in the palm of our hands. Look at it", he teasingly said and he even showed his palm and all of us laughed.

"You're always jokester, Hee", he said and we laughed again.

"Really, coach, why did you say that in the palm of our hand? That's why dumbers don't get dumb anymore", beomgyu added.

"This is literally a dumbers team", bangchan commented.

"Okay you dumbers, just do your best! Understood?", coach jeon said.

"AIYAY CAPTAIN", they shouted together. (You know spongebob intro haha)

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU", coach's knows the assignment.

"Your hearing is bad, coach", heeseung joked again.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman! Pledis High welcomes you to pledis basketball court for this afternoon's basketball matchap between the Pledis Team and Agila Team. And now, the introduvtion of this afternoon starting line-ups. I call the Teams to come to the court and prepare before the match start", the announcer said and we went to the side court. "You can do it guys!", the coach whispers to us and we all nod.


Our game is almost over. Our score is very far compared to them. As coach had previously stated, he thought was right because they were making techniques to cheat. Well, better be good next time because they can't do that. I make a move every time they want to grab the ball, I dodge them and by how fast I am they can't do it.

After the last shoot, everyone cheered. We won, Dumbers won the game.
"Congratulations Pledis Team for winning the game! They won all the match, and that was a cool ending Joshua", the announcer said and many people came over to me. Despite being barred, I still want to see Jeonghan's reaction. Is he happy? Did he feel proud to me?

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