9🏷️ Rooftop

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I'm tiredly lyin' on my chair and that I saw seungcheol passing by. He saw me too and I gestured him to come.

"Yow, what's poppin'?", He ask and I was thinking if I could ask for it.

"Uhmm... you know jeonghan has a boyfriend?", he was confused.
"No? He didn't say anything to me, why?"
"Ahhh, nothing...", he look at me suspicious.
"You look curious huh? I'll ask later if I meet him. But, do you know the guy?," he ask.
"I think the new guy he was with everyday?"
"Oh that guy? He said awhile ago he is just a friend and-", he cut off. He shouldn't talk about it.
"That's all hahaha. I'll go now, see you later shua!", he exited.

While walking I saw that guy, I heard his name is Mark so whatever. I saw him together with a girl, flirting. I feel angry right now that I want to punch him. He was cheating with jeonghan and I don't want this kind of things to happen again. And I saw jeonghan looking at them like nothing and then he walk out. I don't know what's happening so I run towards him.

"Jeonghan", and he turn to look at me.
"What do you need? Stop following me.", he coldly says.
"Nothing, let's go together," I said and we walk together going to the student's gym.

Our instructor are already arrived. He assigned the members of dance team to demonstrate the moves that we will gonna do.

"Jun and Minghao will be the end of me. Look at them! Their chemistry is out of this world!!"
"GIRL! The way jun look at hao! I'm soft for them!"
"YAHH look! Hoshi and Jihoon, I feel their chemistry, they look good together!"
"Sis, they look like lovers", the other classmates said and they giggled.

"Let's start by holding your hands together," they instructed. I feel like jeonghan looking at me and he sighed. I turn my gazed to him and gestured to move his hand as I take the first lead.

"Hey do what the instructor demand," I said and he rolled his eyes before he moved his hands on mine.
"Don't rolled your eyes on me or I will poke your eyes"
"Joshua and Jeonghan!", the instructor said and all of them turn their gazed on us. We gestured sorry and we back to dance.

We look directly to each other without turning away. I got flustered by just looking at that pair of eyes, they were beautiful.
We do the other moves and after that we dismissed.

"Hyung~ You sweating a lot! We didn't dance that much and the air conditioner is cool enough", Dk said.
"What's wrong shua?"
"The reason must be him! They eye contact like they're in their own world lol", mingyu said pointing his finger to jeonghan.
"Ohhh~ what's happening to the both of you? Is that called character development?~", Minghao said and they we're all teasing me.


My phone vibrated and there's a sudden call so I excuse myself to my friends to pick it up. As I saw who called me is enough to made my day bad.

"Yoon Jeonghan! What did you do?! Why is that Mark says that you didn't help him in his homework!", she shouted at the other line.
"I'm helping him mom... I just can't help him this time because I have a project to do....", I said and I felt her anger against the phone.
"I don't care!! You're a disappointment! Such a useless!", she said hangout.
I felt a tear falling down and the only thing in my mind is to get out of there. I run and run until I got to the rooftop. I cried there silently, trying to let out the pain.
He didn't know there's someone following him since earlier, it was Joshua. He accidently heard them and was felt bad with him. He didn't want to meddle on him but there's a side that he wants to comfort him. So he was silently followed him from the rooftop and saw jeonghan crying at the edge that made him nervous.

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