26🏷️ Victory

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In the empty room with no such noise could be heard. Jeonghan couldn't sleep because there were too many things going through his mind. After he found out his illnes, the entirety in his body halted. He wasn't expecting his illness to be this severe.

It's stage 3, Leukemia. Fuck.

-Jeonghan POV-

I was waiting for Joshua, but even his shadow didn't show up. I wonder what he's doing now?

They just got home wonwoo, seungcheol, seungkwan, and dino. They wanted to stay here with me so they could watch me but I refused. Their parents might get worried for them. Considering they have their own obligations as well, I can't be a burden to them. Well, my older sister is still here. She stated she was available 24/7, so she may check on me whenever she wants.

She finally followed her dreams, which makes me happy with it. I still recall her saying then that mom wouldn't let her pursue her dream of becoming a doctor. So, she take business administration in her college degree.

Then, the door suddenly open revealing my sister, doctor jenny. She greeted me with a smile as soon as she entered, which made me smile as well.

"Why are you not sleeping yet? Can't sleep?", she asked, and I nodded in response.
She adjusted my blanket while sitting on the chair next to me.

"You're thinking about your boyfriend, right? Mind to share it?", she asked. I was stunned —how could she know it?

I stare at her in surprise. "Oh, it's just an instinct. So, am I right? Your expression says it haha. I assume so", she said chuckling.

DAMN, she read my mind.

"Yes, noona. I've been thinking what would happen to us. I don't know, how long I'll remain in this world. I really love him very much in all my heart but...w-what if one day...I'm g-gone. I don't want him to suffer because of me..."

As his sister hugged him, a tear ran down on his face. Rubbing his back, comforting him. This is so hard, she didn't want to saw her brother in pain. She can't even do anything either. Even worse, his condition is severe.

"Shhh...I'm here for you. Noona, will take care of you from now on. You still remember what I said in the past? I dream to be a doctor because I'll be the one to heal you and help those in need. You were such a clumsy ass back then, I miss it." They chuckled.

Then Doctor Jenny's phone rang out of nowhere. They separated from their embrace and pulled out her phone from her pocket.

She swiftly taps it. "Hello Doctor Yoon, someone wants to visit your patient Yoon Jeonghan. His name is Hong Joshua. Should I let him in?", said the operator on the line. She turns around to see Jeonghan, who overheard their conversation. When he heard the person's name, she could see it clearly in his eyes. His eyes lit up, and his expression changed.

Jenny nodded. She understands it, "Let him in", she answers to the phone.

"Please don't mention anything to him."

After a while, the hallway was interrupted by an array of frantic steps. He knocked two at the mentioned room. He heard a voice saying, "Come in," from within the room.


At 7:31 p.m., I hastily wrapped everything away before leaving for school. Seungcheol texted me when I was on my way in the hospital to let me know that he had left the hospital and returned home.

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