14🏷️ Power Duo(soonhoon)

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After finishing their exhibit, they traveled to various activities to try and do what they wanted. They won't worry about anything else but their dance competition this afternoon. Joshua was pulled by some students, and he was in a marriage booth. He was taken aback by the number of girls in line waiting for him.

"Do us a favor, Hyung; they request it", the student said, and Joshua sighed.

"Why me?", he inquires.

"Oh, you're so popular and very handsome, Hyung. Give us this opportunity, huh? We can't do this without you", he muttered.

"We'll give you the 90% share, please,", they begged, and Joshua again sighed at the thought. He had no choice but to accept. 'Just once, and I'll be out of here", he thought.

"Okay, but after this there won't be any extensions," to the pupils' amused smiles.

"As always, Hyung, you're very handsome and stunning! The male student said, "I guess I want to be your groom too." Even boys began to become gay.

"So, let's go? I need to finish this right away", he said, and they headed to the booth where many girls were giggling. He sat down on the bench after the last customer since he was worn out.

The student gave Joshua a bottle of water and remarked, "Thanks Hyung, you help a lot." As they were conversing, Joshua's friends showed up. "We've been looking for you", they said, and then they bid goodbye to each other.

"Why? Is something wrong?", Joshua began to inquire.

"No, but there's something you ought to look into", Minghao said. Jeonghan, on the other hand, was at their booth to see whether there was an issue inside.

"Surprised Jeonghan, he was inside. Good luck,", they said, pushing Joshua inside. He moved cautiously to the side to await his arrival. It was thrilling and dark as numerous students visited their booth; after they left, shouts from them could be heard.

He noticed that Jeonghan was getting closer to where he was and surprised him by pulling him for a hug. But it was different from what he imagined; Jeonghan hit him. He exclaimed, "WHAT THE FUCK" and Joshua fell. Joshua was lying on the floor with blood coming from his nose as his friends hastily entered.

"What happened here", they said, helping Joshua stand.

"He wants to surprise you, Jeonghan, but you hit him. What kind of person are you", Jihoon said, and Jeonghan felt bad. He didn't plan to hit him, but he was still astonished by what had transpired. "Don't mind him, Jeonghan. I'm sorry I did that; don't worry, it doesn't hurt at all", Joshua said, chuckling while blood dripped from his nose.

"Maybe his love language is to hit; that's why, hahaha", Jun said. They went outside and treated Joshua's wound.


They went to the oval, where the event occurred. Each of the participants and audiences were getting ready. For the audience, parents and guardians of the students were invited to watch the program.

"Are your parents going?", Seungcheol asked his friends.

"I don't know; I just informed them to come while they were busy with their papers this morning", Seungkwan said.

"My mom just texted that they'll come!", Dino cheerfully said, making us feel great for him. Yes, he was the only one who was loved by his family, and thankfully he is because he didn't deserve to experience the cruelty inside this world. He's the purest heart out there, and they always protect him at all costs. But they all don't deserve the bad treatment; they were living in the same world and wanted a good life like others had. Why is life so unfair?

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