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Why's it so dark...How long were you sleeping? You couldn't even see your hands in front of your face! You followed the headphone cords that hung from your ears and down to your phone. You turned it on, it was past 12 o'clock! Jeez! Why had you slept so long?! Your sleep schedule wasn't even that bad! There was probably something wrong with you; that's something you can worry about later. 

You turned on the flashing your phone was thankfully equipped with before standing. You stretched, making sure to crack your back and knuckles. You started walking back home, your eyes still half lidded while you tried to adjust to the darkness that enveloped you. You were nervous to be walking home alone at such a late hour, after all there were some really freaky people out there.

"Don't talk to strangers!" You reminded yourself, before turning down your street. You walked up to your house and fished through your bag for your keys. It was a bit difficult considering the lighting from both the street lights and your cell phone were pretty dim. You eventually sat on your green lawn, filled with flowers that matched with the garden section of a store; they all in rows. You found your key, opened the door and walked inside.

You flicked on the lights, "Mom? Dad?" They didn't respond, maybe they weren't home yet? The sound of loud footsteps thundered down the stairs, "Y/N!" Freddy yelled, excitement and worry filtered through his voice as the audio skipped over itself. He grabbed both your arms and started looking over you for injuries, "Where were you?!" 

"I was at the park! I just stayed a bit longer than expected..." He looked at you, like he wanted so desperately to scream at you, but he didn't raise his voice. He walked back up the stairs, leaving you to figure out what to do. You were too tired to solve any kind of problem. You trailed up the stairs the same way Freddy had and walked into your room. He was sitting in the corner once again, slumped over.

It was dark but the light from Freddy's eyes casted a blue hue that largely filled your room. You grabbed your blanket and pulled it off your bed than sat next to Freddy. He put his arm around you while you laid your head on him. Neither of you exchanged a glance or even a word, but you knew that Freddy felt better; however, Freddy had something else on his mind...

           Freddy's POV:

I was happy Y/N had finally come home... I know she isn't safe without me. She needs me; I suppose this will make her even more shocked when I finally get rid of her... I will, and I will soon. It'll be so easy... she trusts me! I could even do it now... I laughed slightly, staring at Y/N, she was vulnerable, just like Alex had been. He was a scrawny, over confident, dumb boy.

If getting him was that easy, tearing Y/N apart should be easier... So why am I waiting...? I could rip every single limb from her and put them on display! It'd be a masterpiece. The reaction of her parents and the police having to go on a scavenger hunt to locate all her remains would be priceless... I'll play my game just a bit longer... She'll be gone soon enough. 

         Y/N's POV:

The sunlight rolled through your windows and woke you up. Freddy was holding you carefully, as if he understood that holding you tightly at all could crush you... You guessed he was more aware of his strength than you thought. You gingerly pulled away from your metal teddy bear and walked downstairs. You made a bowl of cereal, you hadn't wanted a fancy breakfast so you chose something more simplistic. 

You sat on the couch as you ate, attempting to find something to watch. You decided to watch the new Netflix series, Wednesday; you'd heard it was good plus you enjoyed a lot of things made by or inspired by Tim Burton. You watched a bit of it and thought it was actually pretty good! 

You heard Freddy's heavy metal footsteps walk into the room you were in before he sat next to you. "Y/N?" You paused your show and looked at him, "yes, Freddy?" You noticed a sense of worry in his voice, it confused you. "Do you trust me, Y/N?" You found the question a bit silly, of course you trusted Freddy! Why wouldn't you? You nodded your head, flashing a bright smile in his direction. 

"Yeah Fred! Why?" Freddy's smile widened in a sickening way, as if your answer meant more than just confirming that you felt that you could safely rest your trust in him... At least you thought you could. Freddy stood up, looking down at you while you stayed on the couch. A low, almost sinister, giggle bellowed from his chest.

"Come on Y/N, there's something I think I should show you." You trusted Freddy, what did he need to show you? Why was he acting like this... You stood up, unknowing of what else to do. Freddy began walking. He walked up the stairs, then down the hall... Leading you both to a door just at the end of the corridor. It was a small closet that stored stuff like toilet paper, cleaning stuff, things like that. 

"The closet?" You asked, wondering why Freddy had brought you to this area of your home. "Yes. Y/N?" You stayed silent as he continued, "Do you really trust me?" You thought harder about the question... Did you really trust him..? The words were caught in your throat, but you weren't sure what those words were...

Yes, of course I trust you Freddy!

No... You're scaring me...

How did you truly feel about Freddy..? You looked into the shiny, blue hued, glowing eyes of Funtime Freddy's. You cleared your throat, beginning to feel your heart thump louder... What was the right choice for you? What smells like coffee and vinegar...

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now