Big Baby

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You stepped out onto your grassy lawn as the sun started to beat down on you and Freddy. "Come here, Fred!" You motioned for him to stand in front of you. He did as instructed even though it was obvious he was against this. You set your cleaning supplies down between the two of you and pulled a rag out of the bucket of water you'd brought. 

You started to wipe down his feet but realized this wasn't going to work, with every stroke of the rag, the water evaporated. "Seems like cleaning me isn't an option after all Cupcake! Have you forgotten how hot metal can get?" He teased. "I didn't forget!" You looked around your backyard for a solution while Freddy laughed at your stupidity, he was so distracted he hadn't noticed when you walked away.

You smiled to yourself as you grabbed the hose and in one swift turn of the knob, you'd drenched Freddy in water. "Y/N?!" Freddy blurted out your name in shock while he stumbled back. You held in your laughter, "What's the matter, Freddy? Can't handle a bit of water?" You placed a hand on your hip just to exaggerate for good measure.

"I was designed specifically to handle water." He reminded you with narrow eyes which only made it harder to contain your laughter. "A bit salty, huh Freddy? Y'know water dilutes salt!" You joked, Freddy didn't find it funny. The bear's arms crossed over his chest as he let out a loud huff. By now the water had dried and you hadn't even started cleaning, this probably wouldn't work either.

You grabbed a kitty pool your dog used to splash around in when it got too hot inside and put it under a shady tree. You put the hose into the pool and started to let it fill up. "You don't expect me to fit in that, right Y/N?" You looked over your shoulder to find Freddy behind you, "Actually I do expect you to fit in it! It should be big enough for you."

Freddy scoffed in your face, "Lamb-Chop, have you forgotten how big I am?" Freddy questioned  with a smirk on his face as he stood up straight with his head cocked to the side, "I'm six foot and 360 pounds!" He laughed, pleased with himself and how he thought he'd proven a point. "Mhm." You said with pursed lips before grabbing the hose, "Sit." You commanded before firing the water at Freddy's face.

The bear's massive hands flew up to protect his face as he backed up, "Y/N!" He gurgled water in his throat pipe. You put the hose down back into the pool and watched Freddy bend over to try and get the water out, "You okay Fred?" You asked, starting to walk up to him. "I'm fine Cupcake." He reassured you while he coughed up more water.

"I used to be able to eat and drink whatever I wanted!" He complained, "I don't understand why I can't anymore!" He stood back up and wiped water from his face, "How does a robot drink water? Or eat food?" The bear rolled his eyes as if the answer to your question was common sense.

"Lamb-Chop, we don't actually eat. We use hydraulic fluids like oil to get energy! When we 'eat,' we're only swallowing. No digestion or anything like you humans do." You crossed your arms, "You don't get 'energy' from hydraulic fluids. Hydraulic fluids are used to transmit things like energy." You flashed a crude smile at Freddy, "Now sit."

Freddy sat down in the pool causing some of the water to spill out, "I still don't think this is a good idea." You looked at him while you grabbed the rag and soap, "I think it is!" You started by smothering Freddy's face in bubbles, "Y/N stop!" Freddy shouted while he pulled away, "Be more gentle!" 

You laughed, seeing a six-foot robot asking you to be more gentle while you gave him a bath seemed ridiculous. You stopped for a moment to give Freddy a chance to look back at you, "I'll be gentle, you big baby." You laughed again and used your left hand to hold Freddy's face in place while the other gently scrubbed dirt and dust off of Freddy's face.

For the first few seconds, Freddy's ears had perked up straight while he stared directly at your face as if he couldn't look away then his ears lowered and he looked down at the water he sat in. Freddy's face plates started to heat up and twitch but you paid no attention to it. You continued to wash Freddy and while you did, you realized just how many sensors Freddy had.

There were sensors in his cheeks, his chest, his hands, and feet. These sensors only seemed to make him more "interactable" since when you managed to find one of these sensors, Freddy either became warmer, giggled, or let out a sound similar to a cat purring. "Alright Freddy, time to get out." 

"Five more minutes!" He pleaded. "Fine, only while I get something to eat. You have to get out when I get back." Freddy's eyes brightened, "Deal!" You walked inside to make a snack while Freddy stayed in his bath. You looked in your cabinets and fridge for something to eat and managed to find some leftover French Toast.

You stuck it in the microwave to heat it before checking the time, it was 4:30 PM. You watched your food dance in circles within the microwave while it heated. The timer seemed to drain extremely slowly but when it had one second left, you stopped the cycle and pulled out your breakfast.

You sat at the counter to eat while you looked out a window that faced the backyard. You watched Freddy splash around in the small pool like your dog used to. Seeing Freddy this way hurt in one way but felt good in another. It reminded you of your dog but it was like having your dog back in an almost improved way.

Your dog was amazing, irreplaceable, and your best friend while Freddy hit all the checkboxes. You were glad you had Freddy, he meant a lot to you! He was like your best friend! Speaking of friends, where's Lydia?

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