Supply Run

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You woke up cradled in Freddy's arms, still unable to move. "Freddy! Let go, I need a shower!" You needed to go out and get what you needed to improve Freddy but you wanted to look good while you did. You weren't the type that dressed to impress but you didn't want to look homeless. 

Freddy looked annoyed but he released you, "Make sure to lock the door, Y/N, unless you don't mind me coming in!" He teased. You narrowed your eyes at him, "or you could just stay in here?" Freddy sighed, "I'll think about it," he added while a smirk tugged on the corners of his lips if you could call them that.

You grabbed a graphic tee and a pair of leggings along with other essential pieces of clothing. You passed by the closet and opened it just to make sure Freddy didn't have a secret in there. You trusted Freddy. Yes, you trusted him so why don't you just drop it? Cause you knew better? Yeah sure, that's your excuse. You walked into the bathroom before shutting and locking the door.

         Freddy's POV:

Y/N's phone buzzed with a news alert, My plan had worked, they'd found him. I found my idea clever, kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of Alex and Y/N's intrusive friend. Leaving Alex's body uncovered and far from where he was originally last seen would definitely raise some questions, however, it kept Y/N out of the line of legal fire... For now.

Getting a few minor changes was a small price to pay in exchange for Y/N's affection and undivided attention. I deleted the alert and put the device back down. I got up and went to the kitchen to make something for Y/N, "She's low on milk..." I quietly commented before I realized she was practically out of everything! I should remind her when she comes down...

I made French Toast and by the time I'd put it on the table, Y/N walked downstairs, "Hey Cupcake!" I called out to her while she smiled, "I thought I told you to stay in my room?" She remarked, "I told you I'd think about it, and I thought I should come down here!" She shot me a look before she sat down to eat.

             Y/N's POV:

Breakfast was good, who could've guessed? You were dressed, fed, and had your wallet, you were ready to leave. "I'll be back soon Freddy!" You flashed the bear with a bright smile, "Aren't I coming too?" Freddy asked, "Sorry Freddy, you have to stay, but I'll be back soon!" Freddy's blue, shiny eyes filled with frustration but he didn't press any further, "Okay, Y/N. Be safe."

You left and started walking to the bus stop. The weather was much nicer the last time you were out, the last time you were out was when you went to see Lydia. You remembered the deal you'd made with her, if she let you go back with Freddy, you had to call her every day. You hadn't called her and she hadn't called you, She probably forgot but that didn't seem like her. You were paranoid, that was all. 

The bus was pretty crowded, it was filled with adults going to all types of places. The bus came to a halt near a few stores but these weren't the stores you were going to. You walked for a bit before you entered one of the massive buildings, the one you went into was a craft store, you needed fur, foam, paint, sandpaper, and tape, all of which were easy to find.

You were out for around an hour or two, not long. Different types of craft supplies filled two large tote bags, one hung down from your shoulder forcing you to shift your weight slightly to stay upright while you carried the second bag in your arms. You waited at a bus stop for maybe ten or so minutes before the vehicle rolled in front of you, It'd be nice to have a car of your own but you didn't have enough yet. You needed to pay for college and get tools to work with and of course things to work on but you already had that covered.

By now, the bus was way less crowded than it was earlier. People were still out running errands or working. You, three other passengers, the driver, and your two bags were the only ones occupying the bus. It felt pretty empty but that was okay, your mind was focused on all the things you could do to Freddy, obviously starting with a thorough cleaning.

The bus stopped and while others got on, you stepped off. Walking back home wasn't very pleasurable this time around, it was because of the hot, mid-day sun looming over you. Your eyes squinted to see past the light shining in your face, bringing a hat is what you should've done. Did you even own a hat? You didn't know, oh well.

You opened the door before taking a deep inhale of the cool air emitted from the AC, you needed that, badly. You set your bags on the floor and took a bottle of water from the fridge as you heard the sounds of Freddy clattering downstairs, the sound of his metallic feet excited you. Freddy knew nothing you planned to do to him but you were going to obey his whishes, you weren't changing him much which wasn't a loss for you, you loved Freddy the way he was.

"Hey, Lamb-Chop! Finally back I see. How was shopping?" Freddy asked while looking at your loaded bags. You turned to face him, "It went well!" You answered, feeling accomplished, "I've got everything I need, ready to get started?" Freddy looked a bit nervous but reluctantly nodded, knowing he'd agreed to this.

"It'll be okay Freddy!" You added, "I'm just going to have to clean you first." Freddy seemed to like the idea of being cleaned less than being renovated but again, he'd agreed to this. You grabbed cleaning supplies from under the sink while trudging back outside and Freddy, with his tail between his legs, followed right behind you.

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