Change Of Plans

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You walked down your driveway quickly. It was summer but the nights were cold... You didn't bother getting a jacket though, all you needed was your phone. You'd even forgotten to get your charger! Hopefully Lydia's would work... At least you wouldn't have to stay with Freddy. You turned your head to see your house and noticed your window was open.

Freddy's blue eyes stared down at you as he waved you goodbye, a wide and unsettling grin distracted you from walking and you froze. Freddy walked away from the window and you ran, fearing he was coming after you. The walk to Lydia's house wasn't very long but you'd still rather catch a bus if you could.

You walked for about half a mile to the bus stop and looked at the times the buses would come and go, the next bus would be here in less than 30 minutes, you could wait. You sat on the bench watching cars go by, it'd be useful if you had a car right now... It'd be useful if you had a jacket! You folded your arms tightly around your body to try and keep yourself warm.

You waited for what felt like hours, refusing to use your phone to save its battery. The bus came to a stop in front of you and the doors parted. You stepped on, paid the driver with the little pocket change you had in your pocket, and took your seat. The bus wasn't crowded but you assumed it was because of the late hour.

You waited for the bus to arrive at your destination and when it did, you exited and started to walk the rest of the way to Lydia's house, only another mile or so and you'd be okay. Your body continued to shiver as you walked, the sound of your teeth chattering filled the eerie silence. You could see the light from Lydia's porch as you approached.

"Hey Egghead!" Lydia was looking at you from her window the same way Freddy had, but Lydia's smile was warm and goofy, on the other hand, Freddy's was... You didn't like how he smiled at you. You didn't, at all. You wished you could see him the way you used to, back when he was sweet and cuddly... You missed that side of Freddy, you wished you could find the better half of him...

You stood in front of Lydia's door as you heard her running to see you. Her house wasn't as big as yours, not cause she didn't have as much money, it was because she lived alone. Her door swung open, almost hitting her in the face but she ignored that close call and wrapped you in her arms tightly.

You were happy to see Lydia, but you had other things on your mind... Still, you hugged her back. "Oh God, you're freezing! Why didn't you bring a jacket, dummy?" Your face contorted to an expression that made it look like you were going to cry; you weren't going to cry, at least not in front of Lydia.

Lydia let go of you and took a look at your face, "are you alright, Y/N?" She held your hand and pulled you inside, how do you tell your best friend a robot that you befriended has gone crazy? You don't. That'll make you sound like the crazy one! Lydia sat you down on her couch before she sat next to you.

"What's bothering you?" She stared at you intently, waiting for your answer. "I uhm..." You didn't exactly know what to say to her, "So, I met this guy..." You said, stilling planning out your wording. "And this guy was a bit strange, at first, than I got to know him and he was really sweet! Than it's like he turned into a completely different person!" 

You didn't want to lie so you tried your best to keep things as simple as possible, "What do you mean different?" Lydia asked, eyeing you. "Well... He's been pretty rough with me recently." Lydia's eyes widened and she looked like she might puke, "Y/N, I love you but I don't wanna hear about your sex life." 

Your jaw hung down, "No! No sex! I mean rough like he grabbed my arm earlier and pulled me away from what I was doing!" You were embarrassed by her assumption, Lydia went from disgusted to angry, "He did what?!" She yelled, "Y/N, break up with him, right now." You shot her a look, "He's a friend." 

Lydia rolled her eyes, "Than stop being friends with him." You sighed, "I can't just- stop being friends with him, Liddy. He lives with me!" Lydia looked at you with confusion in her eyes, "How did you convince your parents to let your friend who is a BOY stay with you guys?!" You started to get frustrated.

"Okay, it was my dad's idea to let him stay, he was homeless!" That wasn't technically a lie, Funtime Freddy didn't have a home, he was in the junk yard when you found him. "Why don't you tell your parents about how he's treating you?" You mentally face palmed, Lydia had good advice but in this situation, she wasn't much help.

You took a deep breath, "I can't tell my parents and I can't just stop being his friend." Lydia starts trying to find a solution to your issue, "Can you talk to him about how how you feel?" You think for a moment, "I could try!" You smile at her and give her another hug, "You're still staying the night thought, right?" You laugh, "Yes Liddy!" 

Lydia laughs with you, "Wanna watch a movie? I found a bunch of old horror movie that we could watch while I was waiting on your slow ass!" She punched you in the shoulder playfully. "I'd love to!" You got settled on the couch and grabbed one of her decorative pillows to hold. Lydia turned on her TV than got up and turned off the lights.

She sat next to you and scrolled through her list of movies she'd saved to watch later. You observed all the options you could choose from while Lydia read through the summary of each movie in an ominous voice. You giggled but in the middle of one of Lydia's mansplaining fits there was a knock on her door.

You kept your eyes on the TV while Lydia got up, "Who is it Liddy?" Lydia paused and turned to you, "I ordered pizza the second I heard you were coming! You can't expect me not to be prepared for my bestie to come over, can you?" You chuckled at her remark but were suddenly met with an uneasy feeling when you noticed the blue light slipping through Lydia's curtain covered window.

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now