Dumb Luck

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You could feel Freddy's constant stare keep you paralyzed, the fear and discomfort acting as chains keeping you bedbound.  What would he do if he knew you were awake? Would he hurt you? Would he do anything at all? Maybe you were thinking too much... Suddenly the blue tint was gone. Your room was a lot darker, mostly thanks to your blackout curtains, but why had Freddy powered off?

You heard your front door open and shut, that must be your dad! You pretended to wake up by stretching, yawning, and rubbing your eyes. You got up and slowly walked to your door, being careful not to make Freddy reactivate... You cracked the door open, trying to let as little light in as possible before you slid out.

You saw your dad looking through the closet, "Hey dad! What are you doing?" He turned to face you, "I'm looking for some old folders, have you seen them?" You were confused and your dad could tell. "My folders? I need them for that business trip me and your mom are going on." You'd forgotten all about that trip! That means you'll be left alone with Freddy...

"No, I haven't seen your folders dad..." Your voice trailed off, your imagination flooding with thoughts of what might happen to you if you were alone with that robot! You felt like a nervous wreak. "How long will you be gone for?" Your tone was shaky but your dad either didn't pay enough attention to it, or didn't notice. "Not sure, maybe a week, maybe more? Why? Did you plan on having another boy come over?"

You shot him a look mixed with anger and hurt, "no, I don't want another boy to come over." Your dad looked at you, his eyes squinted at you. "Yeah, sure." You rolled your eyes in response, how was he still mad about that?! Seriously, he should learn to let go. You were walking back to your room but you heard shuffling. There was a blue light coming from under the door. 

"Hey, dad! Come here!" Your dad walked to you and you pointed out the light. Your dad looked at it with curiosity before he opened the door. Freddy was sitting next to your bed, his head hung down slightly, but you knew. You knew he was awake. You knew he could hear you, you knew he could see you since his head just so happened to be slightly turned to the door.

Your dad smiled and chuckled a bit, "I see you got your boyfriend working!" He patted your back, he'd practically forgotten that he was upset about you having boys at the house. Your father walked towards Funtime Freddy and sat down in front of him. He held up Freddy's head to get a better look at his face, "You really should clean him!" Your dad laughed.

Freddy's POV:

I started to twitch at the feeling of Y/N's dad touching me. Did he have any respect for boundaries? I guess an "object" doesn't need boundaries... He let go of my lower jaw which caused it to his my upper chest, making a loud clanging sound. I heard my ears ringing but also the sound of Y/N's dad laughing, "Sorry buddy!" He apologized before petting the top of my head. 

The feeling of his hands on me made me cringe but I'd probably react differently if it were Y/N's... She'd be gentle... It might've even felt like a massage of some sort. He ceased his shenanigans and left the room along side Y/N. I heard them talking about the business trip and how Y/N would love to go but her dad declined her offer to tag along. They were leaving today, perfect...

After an hour or two, I could hear Y/N's mom speed down the driveway, kicking up gravel. They were packing up the last of their things while Y/N pleaded to go with them. Everything they said was a blur but I caught a few key details... Y/N couldn't go with them, but if she really didn't want to stay home, she could go to her friend's house...

She was planning on leaving me?! How dare she... She can't just leave! I won't let her. Y/N and her parents continued to speak, they watched TV, they laughed... She could do all those things with me! She didn't need her parents! She needs me. I listened to them for hours before her parents left. I heard their car rev up than the tiers carry them away. I was alone with Y/N.

I walked her walk in and turn on the lights, grab her phone, and leave again. What is she doing now? I got up slowly and silently, following her but stopping at the top of the stairs as she sat on the couch. I saw her dial in a number on her cell phone before she put it on speaker and laid it next to her.

"Hey Lydia!" She called out excitedly. The voice on the phone spoke back with the same amount of enthusiasm "Y/N! I haven't heard from you in a while, I was starting to think you died!" She joked, snorting as she laughed while Y/N laughed along with her but her laugh was different. It was nervous, almost forced. 

Y/N's voice was brought down to something resembling a whisper, "Well I feel like I might if I don't get out of here... I was wondering if I could stay with you for a little bit... Just till my parents come home?" Y/N looked like she might cry, it made me want to go down and comfort her but I knew she didn't want me around... She was leaving 'cause of me. But I'll change her mind!

Lydia's voice was transmitted again, "of course you can!" Y/N smiled and muttered a thank you to her friend before she hung up, that was my que to leave. I got up and walked back to her room and sat in the corner. She walked in, threw her phone on the bed, grabbed some clothes and walked back out. I heard the shower running, I knew that would buy me some time to figure out what to do...

Y/N's phone buzzed and lit up and out of curiosity convinced me to see what had caused it to do that, and to my surprise, it was a text from Lydia. I read the message once, than twice, than a third time to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me... They weren't! I picked up the phone and grinned, my eyes fixed on the message.

"8225 Sunset Blvd is my add if you forgot, see you soon egghead!" I stifled a laugh than took my time to memorize the address. I put Y/N's phone back and waited for her to come back to get it. She walked into the room and grabbed her phone before she walked back out. I got up and looked out her window to see her walking down her driveway. She's in for a big surprise...

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now