No Way Out

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Ballora stood back as she watched you enter the room, she hoped she'd made the right choice.

You pushed open the door, finding yourself in a room of tangled wires and sparking machinery. A small stage was placed in the right corner, on that stage sat Freddy, slumped over with his head down, probably without power.

His bright, blue eyes were dull, missing the lively color they normally had, he'd been stripped of the fur you'd spent so much time adding to him, he was no longer cuddly and soft, he looked like a cold, metal shell of himself. Even his right hand was missing again.

You slowly approached the bear, looking over every inch of him, "Freddy..." You couldn't help but feel bad for him, why would Dave do this? You thought he liked the work you'd done. You sat in front of him on your knees, bringing your hand up to stroke his face just like you used to.

The metal was smooth and shiny, every time something sparked you could see your reflection mirroring from Freddy's face. You tried to switch him on with no luck. How were you meant to power him? You couldn't exactly bring him to a power source.

An idea formed in your head and you went straight to work. You looked over the breaker, recognizing the hardware to be mostly simple to work with. You grabbed wires and cables, hooking them to Freddy's circuits and returning to the breaker.

You redirected the power from Funtime auditorium back to the breaker and shot it through the cables, sending a shock through Freddy's systems. For only a minute, his face played opened and he twitched and violently jerked but then he became still.

His eyes lit the room up, looking around nervously, like he was expecting something. "Y/N..." He asked in disbelief. His eyes were wide as he pushed himself off of the stage, trying to keep himself balanced, just barely managing to keep himself from toppling over.

You moved to his side, coaxing him to sit back down. He complied, still occasionally twitching involuntarily. "You- ou sh- should- dn't be here- ere..." His voice kept skipping, something had damaged him, it was probably from the jumpstart you'd given him.

You sat down next to him on the stage, pressing your body against his, "I couldn't just leave you here..." You grabbed his hand and held it in yours. Freddy warmed his arm around you, holding you close to him. "What happened...?" You stared up at him but he couldn't bring himself to look back at you.

"You rea- really shouldn't be- e here..." He repeated, "Yo- you need to- o go home- home..." His ears lowered, he didn't want you to stay here, in a place like this... It wasn't safe for you, it wasn't safe for any body.

"I'm going to get you out of here Freddy, I promised I would." He gave a hopeful smile to which he didn't return, he only held you closer. He brushed a stray hair from your face, looking at you with nothing but desperation, desperation to keep you safe.

"I can't lea- eave Cupcake- cake..." He glanced upward at a camera, even though it was off, he lowered his voice, "If I- I go anywhere- where beyond the elevator, I'll be shoc- shocked." He paused, taking a moment to look at your expression. You looked so hurt, the thought of him making you upset hurt more than anything. "Even if I made- made it past- ast there, my systems would fail- fail..."

You sat silently for a moment, how could you possibly get him out? Not to mention how you would do this without being seen by any of the cameras. You were stumped, but you wouldn't let that stop you.

Freddy started to twitch again, jerking his head back, his joints convulsing as if he had something like a bad case of Tourette's Syndrome. Seeing him like this made your heart ache. You squeezed his metallic hand, "Maybe you should power off, it might do you some good..."

Freddy seemed mildly frustrated, "And leave- leave you alone cu- cupcake?" He shook his head at the idea, "Abso- solutely not." You became agitated yourself but you fought to keep it undetectable.

"If you do, I'll leave, but I'll be back tomorrow." Giving Freddy an ultimatum was risky at best but fortunately, you were lucky this time. He nodded slightly and gave an artificial huff. It was settled. Freddy powered off and you exited.

Not the building.

You found yourself walking back through the building. Entering what seemed to be sort of an office space. The walls were dark grey and lined with cork boards, blueprints hanging from every possible location, blueprints of the Funtimes, machinery, and other such things... What you were here for were the layouts of the building, there had to be a way out. You looked through all the papers on the desk and walls but nothing.

You really were stumped now, you hadn't seen any other exits, you couldn't read to find them, hell, there might not even be any!

You thought back to how scared Freddy was when you'd left him here, there must be a reason, something he clearly wasn't willing to say... You couldn't just leave him here...

Maybe there was another way to get the information you needed.

If anyone would know how to get out, it'd be Circus Baby. Dave said it himself, 'She knows this place better than birthday cake,' you repeated subconsciously. If anyone could help, it was her.

Would she help you? She, nor you, actually knew each other, or at least it seemed that way...

You have to go about this carefully, what would she think if she knew what you were doing? You weren't all that willing to risk finding out and potentially losing Freddy.

"Get to know her more, maybe you'll think of something in the meantime..." you said under your breath. You didn't stay much longer, you needed to be home and get to bed at a semi-decent hour, so you left. Tomorrow was another day.

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now