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You were there for what felt like hours listening to Lydia scold Freddy for his behavior. You checked the clock and it had in fact been almost two hours. You hadn't said anything to Freddy and he hadn't taken his eyes off Lydia since she started yelling. He looked annoyed while his ears hung down, pinned to the side of his head.

Eventually, Lydia ran out of breath and left some time for you and Freddy to say something. Freddy started apologizing again, he looked directly at you, never looking away. It felt like you'd fallen victim to a spell of some kind, Freddy had you in a trance. You listened to every word he said, each one sweeter than the last.

It was so refreshing to hear Freddy being kind to you again. He pleaded with you, he begged you to come back, to be with him. Lydia stood there, questioning if the two of you did have some kind of relationship. Freddy pulled you into a hug, he enveloped you completely, making it feel like you were trapped in a metallic blanket.

He held you tightly to his chest, Lydia kept an eye on him, making sure he wasn't up to anything. "I'd even let you fix me!" Your eyes shot up at him, he'd let you fix him? The idea excited you, imagine all the things you could do to him! You managed to contain yourself, before you could agree to come back with him, Lydia chimed in.

"Do you really trust him?" You'd heard that before... Yes. Yes you trusted him! You turned to Lydia and nodded, "I do trust him." Her eyes widened, clearly she hadn't expected you to be so forgiving; you didn't think you'd be so forgiving either... But here you were. Hugging Freddy like nothing had happened, maybe there was something wrong with you.

Lydia kept insisting that you were messed up in the head and even though she was probably right, you'd made your choice. Lydia stood between you and Freddy, making you stumble back to make room for her, she grabbed your shoulder, "Y/N if you really plan on going back with that thing, you better call me every single night. If you ever miss a call, I'm taking you back."

You thought she was being a bit "extra" with her deal. Call her every night? You loved Lydia a lot but calling her every night was a little much... If this is what it'll take to go back and fix things with Freddy, than you didn't have much of a choice. You agreed to Lydia's idea even though Freddy clearly wasn't fond of it either.

The sound of thunder made you jump a little, you hadn't even heard the sound of rain till that second. You looked at the curtains and opened them, it wasn't raining that hard but it was already cold so the idea of walking back to the buss stop wasn't desirable, you hadn't even thought about how you'd get Freddy on a buss...

"It looks like it's raining, cupcake" Freddy said, looking at the window along side you. You looked at him with a dull expression that almost screamed "thanks, captain obvious," Freddy didn't pay attention to that though, "I'd hate for you to walk out there in the cold, Y/N!" Lydia added, "why don't you stay till the storm clears?"

"I have a better idea!" Freddy smiled as he talked, "do you have any unwanted towels or blankets?" Lydia stood in confusion for a second or two before she walked away. When she walked back in, she was holding a purple, fuzzy blanket covered in large, cartoony strawberries. "Will this work?" She asked, holding out the blanket to Freddy.

His smile widened, "it's perfect!" He took the blanket and opened his stomach, the smell of vinegar and coffee filled the small room within seconds, leaving you and Lydia gagging and coughing. Lydia searched under her sink cabinet for a can of Febreze before she pulled out the shiny bottle. She sprayed the room for almost ten minutes before the can started the sputter.

"What the hell?! It smells like pure ass in there!" Lydia said, grabbing another bottle. She pinched her nose and walked up to Freddy before spraying at least half of the new bottle in his chest. She slowly let go of her nose and smelled the inside of his chest, "that's much better." She heaved a sigh of relief that the awful smell was gone.

Freddy laughed nervously, "sorry about that... I'm not sure what could've caused it!" Freddy's eyes avoided Lydia's as he spoke. Lydia eyed him with suspicion, "so why'd you need the blanket?" Freddy lined the bottom and the back wall of his chest cavity with the blanket, "to make it comfortable for Y/N!"

You smiled, it was so sweet that he was thinking about you. "Now Y/N can sit in my belly while I walk us home!" You looked out the window again, "but what about the rain Freddy? Won't it damage you?" You said with worry in your voice, "I'm waterproof, Cupcake! It used to come in hand when it would rain during the birthdays I attended!"

"You attended birthdays?" You realized that you'd never stopped to question why Freddy was made or why a perfectly good and working robot was in the trash. "Oh, that's nothing to worry about Cupcake." He waved off your question before he leaned down, "hop in Y/N!" He smiled. You pulled yourself into his chest and he slowly stood up. It was a little tight, but not bad.

You twisted for a minute trying to get as comfortable as possible, "alright, I'm ready!" You called out to Freddy before he shut you in. It was very dark, not a single speck of light could penetrate Freddy's insides. You turned on your phone and winced at its brightness. You lowered the exposure and started to watch some YouTube.

You listened to it for a while but eventually you got board. You sat in Freddy's chest, feeling his mechanical body sway gently, kind of like being rocked in a cradle. Yes it was childish, but it was soothing. You yawned and stretched out your back as best you could. The sound of a soft lullaby started to fill the claustrophobic space. 

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now