Freddy's promise

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TW: Language, Mentions of serial killers

You woke up sitting in front of the bear in the same position you'd been in while you were examining him. "Huh...?" Didn't you fall asleep sitting on his lap? Maybe you were just hallucinating... Stress is known to cause those kinds of things. It was all in your head. The bear was just an object, he doesn't know your name, he can't hurt you. Can he...?

You forgot about the bear for a moment when you realized how cold you were. Your teeth were chattering, your hands were numb, you could see your breath! Did you sleep out here all night? The clock hanging near the ceiling suggested that you had. "Eight in the fucking morning?!" You were confused at how you hadn't froze to death but you were angry that you were so ignorant. You come out without a jacket and slept out here! At least you woke up early, there was all ways a positive to every negative. 

You walked inside, turned on the heater, wrapped up in a blanket, and laid on the couch. You turned on a crime documentary about Ted Bundy, you thought crime documentaries were so fascinating! Hearing their motives and methods gave you a small rush. You had your own fantasies of murder but all of those were just scenarios you'd let play out if your head, you could never hurt someone like that. "amateur..." You heard someone behind you say, then, there was a very loud laugh, it was the same laugh you'd heard last night... You didn't wanna turn around but you did, and there stood the mechanical bear with his hands placed over the hatch on his stomach laughing, if his laugh would've sounded sweet, he would remind you of your dad.

You were scared but didn't scream or run. Who would hear you? You had neighbors but they were almost 4 miles away. You had no plan but to wait, so you did. The bear stopped laughing and looked down at you. You hadn't looked away from him, there was nothing on your face but confusing and terror. The bear raised one of his brows and tilted his head kind of like a dog, it made him seem a bit cute.

"What's wrong Y/N?" You opened your mouth to speak but the words got caught in your throat. The bear seemed to understand. He lifted your head up gently and used his thumb to stroke your cheek, "I'll take good care of you, I promise." The bear said calmly then picked you up. "Hey!? What are you doing?!" You screamed and kicked only making the bear hold you tighter. "I'm taking care of you, cupcake!" You looked at him, he had a smile stuck on his face. Though, the smile seemed friendly... You relaxed slightly then Freddy set you down on the kitchen counter and put your blanket around you again. Freddy turned and looked at your coffee maker, "Do you like coffee, Y/N?" He asked and turned to look at you.

"Uhm... Yes...?" You were confused, why'd he wanna know if you liked coffee? Then you watched the bear open several cabinets until he found a mug, sugar, cinnamon, and coffee grounds. He was making you coffee? You sat and watched him fill the mug with the black watery coffee then he added sugar. Freddy opened your fridge and dug around before grabbing creamer and whipped cream. You didn't say anything, seeing him do something you thought only humans could do was so captivating... Freddy added in a splash of creamer then topped it with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon before handing it to you, "Careful Y/N, it's a bit hot!" He giggled slightly.

You looked down at the cup you held in your hands and blew away the steam that was being funneled out of the top. You took a small sip and your eyes widened, it was amazing! This was hands down the best coffee you'd ever had! "Wow, I didn't know you could make coffee Freddy!" You smiled at him with a bit of whipped cream on your upper lip forming some kind of mustache. Freddy laughed again leaving you confused until he leaned forward and licked it off. You blushed intensely, "FREDDY!" You tried to push him away only making him laugh harder. "Sorry cupcake!" He said still laughing. "Why'd you even do that?!" Freddy looked at you and smirked, "You had whipped cream around your mouth, lambchop." He started to giggle again. You rolled your eyes at him and continued to drink your coffee.

You looked down at your clothes and realized you hadn't taken a bath since you'd left school! "Ew..." You said to yourself. You got up and went to your room and grabbed some clean clothes before walking to the bathroom. You shut the door and started running the water. You waited till the bath was almost full before shutting the water off. You removed your clothes and put them off to the side then turned on some relaxing music before slowly sliding into the warm tub of water. Warm baths always felt nice, especially when you were stressed. You washed off your arms, legs, and torso before starting your face and hair. For a split second you heard a loud crash then looked up to see Freddy look at you before he ran out of the room and closed the door behind him, "WHAT THE FUCK FREDDY?!" 

"I- I'm sorry Y/N! I didn't know you were..." He paused for a minute before adding, "Indecent..." You could hear the embarrassment in his voice and knew he really meant it. "It's okay Freddy... But you better knock next time!" You heard Freddy laugh, now that he didn't seem so psychotic, it was actually quite a soothing laugh, to you at least. "Okay, Y/N, but it'd help if you lock the door next time!" He went back downstairs and you continued to enjoy you bath.

You finished washing off and the water started to feel cooler so you decided to get out. You drained the water and got dressed. You got dressed and started to walk downstairs but stopped about halfway down when you saw Freddy sitting at the bottom of the stairs, probably waiting for you. You noticed he was holding a cup and a blanket when you walked down to him. "Freddy? What are you doing?" He looked a bit startled when you started talking, "Oh! I was just waiting for you, Y/N... I'm really sorry for walking in without knocking..." He looked sad, like a puppy after it's been yelled at for ripping up a couch. You smiled at him and started to pet his head. Freddy looked confused by your actions but didn't pull away.  "I made you hot chocolate as an apology gift!" He held up the cup that was supposedly filled with hot chocolate, once again, the presentation was great, it was topped with whipped cream and chocolate chips this time. You took the cup from Freddy and sipped it slowly, "How'd you learn to do this kind of stuff anyway?" Freddy looked at you and shrugged, "I don't know, probably just my programing."

You figured that'd be the answer. You finished your hot chocolate and washed your cup and the rest of the dishes. You turned and saw Freddy towering over you, "Hm-!? Oh, hi Freddy?" He grinned, "What time will your parents be home~?" He was starting to seem scary again, "I don't wanna answer that..." You looked away from him and he stepped closer. You backed up till you pressed against the counter while Freddy leaned on the counter with his hands on both of your sides, keeping you in place. "Why not, Y/N~? Think of all the fun we could have~" You tried pushing him away but that did nothing then you tried to duck under his arm but he grabbed your shoulders and held you up straight again. "Leaving so soon cupcake~?" You felt tears start to fall and closed your eyes tight to prepare for whatever he'd do to you. He hugged you, "I'm so sorry Y/N! I- I don't why I did that..." You didn't wanna hear it. You pushed him away and ran to your room, making sure to shut and lock the door.

Your parents came home at their normal times and called you down for dinner. You didn't know where Freddy was till your dad walked out to the garage, "Awe! Y/N, did you put a blanket on your cold boyfriend~?" You were confused and walked out to see what your dad was babbling on about. Sitting on the floor, in the same position he'd been in that morning, was Freddy. He was wrapped in a blanket seemingly powered down. You didn't realize he could get cold and felt bad, "Yeah, yeah. I put a blanket on him." You rolled your eyes at your dad and watched him leave then close the door behind him. You sat in front of Freddy and shook his arm. He woke and saw you then looked down, he looked sad again, making you feel worse. "I didn't know you got cold Freddy..." You lifted his head with your hand.

He looked a bit shocked, his expression reminded you of a boy named Oliver you'd met at a coffee shop, he had the same expression as Oliver after you called him cute. The thought of Oliver made you blush. You started to rub your thumb against Freddy's cheek and you spaced out. You felt Freddy sit you on his lap gently, you laid your head on his chest and played with his bowtie. You soon fell asleep being cradled by the bear.  

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