Tomorrow Is Another Day

340 19 24

TW: language

You stood in the door frame, looking outside, still being arouse in anxiety... Funtime Freddy stood directly behind you, staring you down. He was trying to read you, see how you felt. You knew this but couldn't stop thinking. Alex never went back home...  Could he still be in your house?! And what had the police taken? You couldn't handle the stress, you shook and quivered with the thoughts of what could happen to you...

But the police searched your house... if Alex was still here wouldn't the police have found him? So... What happened to Alex..? You felt Freddy gently grip one of your shoulders, "Cupcake?" His jumpy and loud voice had seemingly vanished... He spoke quietly, you didn't quite know how to feel about it, so you didn't give him a response... He walked you back inside and to your room where you could clearly see that the damn cop had messed with all your stuff!

You were worried, pissed off, confused... But you didn't know how to deal with it. You began to clean your room, making your bed was the first to be done. Freddy watched, standing just outside. He watched you trail back and forth, your fists clenched while you gridded your teeth. You stood in the center of the room, figuring out what to clean next then you heard two cars pulling into the driveway, it was probably those cops. 

You walked down the stairs while Freddy sat in a corner of your bedroom. You opened the front door, ready to scream, finally take out your anger on someone but instead forgot all about your frustrations. "Y/N what the hell did you do?!" Your dad screamed, he was angry, at you! Your mom didn't seem any happier but she didn't yell, "Care to explain?" Your mouth stayed fastened together. Your parents kept antagonizing you with questions about why you'd had a boy come over, what he'd done to you, and what you'd done to him... They think you did something?!

Their accusations were never ending, your dad believed he'd gotten you "knocked up" and couldn't face his problems, so since he was a legally an adult, he'd left. Your mom thought that you convinced him to run away with you, but you hadn't left yet. They took your phone and laptop and hid it from you as punishment, your dad wanted you to take a pregnancy test but your mom wouldn't let him force it on you.

After nearly two hours of arguing and yelling, your parents sat down with you. They were talking to each other quietly, your dad seemed to be getting more irritated by the second before he stormed off to bed, leaving you with your mom. "Sweetie, me and your dad have a business trip that we have to leave for soon, we'd both rather stay home and keep an eye on you but we can't go back on it now."

She paused, thinking of how to word her next sentence, "We don't know when we'll be back, so please, be mommy and daddy's good girl again. It'd help us out a lot..." She was speaking to you like you were five but it could've been worse. "Alright mom..." You reassured her, you watched her walk back to her room quietly.

So they did think you'd done something...  The police did too... It felt like everyone was turning on you, would Freddy do the same? The thought of losing Freddy made your heart ache. You didn't feel like going back to your room so you laid your head on the table. You were torn between fighting, raging on about everything and crying. Either way you wanted comfort, you wanted Freddy's comfort... No you didn't! You didn't need anyone! Or did you...

The thoughts in your head argued nonstop about what you wanted, the volume made your head hurt. It was getting to be too much for you. You grabbed some Melatonin pills and swallowed them along side a cup of cool tap water. You walked upstairs gripping the handrail, trying to stay quiet. You opened the door slowly, hearing the screeching of the rusted hinges made your stomach churn.

Freddy's eyes illuminated the otherwise pitch black room with a faint blue light. The sudden burst of color hurt your eyes but you ignored it. You sat on your bed and let yourself fall back. Freddy got up and hovered over you. You only looked at him. "Y/N?" Freddy asked, speaking in that same tone from earlier. You pushed his face away and rolled over. Freddy sat on your bed and rubbed your back in an attempt to make you feel better.

You tried to hide the smile starting to plague your face but Freddy noticed the hint of joy before you. Freddy giggled and kept stroking your back gently. Up and down... Down to up. He had a steady rhythm and smooth metal fingers and palms... It was soothing, just the thing you needed after everything.

You were starting to feel tired but you knew better then to sleep in the clothes you were wearing... Wait, how long has it been since your last shower?! God you're disgusting... You got up, gathered a new bra, shirt, underwear, and pants then headed to the bathroom. You made sure too lock the door this time though. You enjoyed the hot water for almost an hour, thoroughly washing everything.

You dried off and put on your clean clothes. You started walking down the hallway back to your room and suddenly tripped, landing face first on the floor. You stayed quiet to make sure you hadn't woken your parents. After around a minute of silence you looked back to see the reason for practically kissing the floor and noticed some of the floor boards were sticking up slightly... 

You knew some of the floors did this but you'd never known it was the same here... You were sure it hadn't been like this! What had happened? You tugged at the floor to no avail. It was late... You got up and went back to your bed and laid down. Tomorrow you could get your tools and fix it... The blue lights from Freddy faded to black as your eyes shut tightly.

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