A New 'Friend'

562 17 14

TW: Violence, Yelling

You woke up in the garage once again but you were warm, Freddy had wrapped the blanket around you. You were still being held by him, you smiled, how could a hunk of metal be so gentle? You looked up at the clock, it was 11:27 PM, you quietly and slowly got out of the bears grip. Taking the blanket, you put it around Freddy gently before heading to your room to sleep, well... You'd planned on sleeping but instead grabbed your laptop and messed around with a few friends on discord.

You joined a voice channel and talked with several of your friends before hearing a very deep and unfamiliar voice. It startled you, the stranger was a friend of Lydia's, he introduced himself as Alex. You two joined a privet VC and chatted for hours, your head slowly filled with thoughts of him holding your hand, kissing you and... "How old are you-?" You asked him, "Oh! Uhm... I'm 23." You smiled to yourself, he was older then you but not by much. Again, the thoughts flooded, leaving your face red.

"You wouldn't, by any chance, wanna come over tomorrow, would you?" You took a chance at maybe spending time with Alex. "Oh~ I'd love too~" His voice became flirty and you liked it, a lot. You giggled excitedly and made plans. He'd be over by 10 o'clock, giving you enough time to get ready. You both said your goodbyes and you laid on your bed facing the ceiling. "Tomorrow is going to be great! My parents will be a work, Alex will come over, and Freddy..." You'd forgotten about the bear who lived in your garage, would he ruin it? No, you'd make sure he didn't, you'd tell Freddy about things tomorrow. You turned off the lights, set an alarm on your phone, and went to sleep with the sounds of your heart thumping in your chest reminding you of how exciting tomorrow would be.


You woke up groggy and shut the alarm off, you'd forgotten why you'd set it until you saw your laptop beside you. "Alex.." You blushed when you remembered his voice. You looked at the time, in was 7:30 AM, you got up and showered. Put on a white button down and skinny jeans, trying your hardest took look presentable. You put on a bit of makeup and looked in a mirror. You were shocked, you never really tried too hard when getting ready but when you did... "Damn! Who's this chick?" You said checking yourself out. You checked the time on your phone, it was 8:52 PM. You looked up to leave but instead came face to face with Freddy, "AH-! Don't scare me like that!"

Freddy looked bewildered but was suddenly hit with realization before adding in a stern look, "Why are you dressed like that?" You could hear the aggravation in his voice that he'd seemingly tried to hide. "I have a friend coming over! I was just about to come tell you actually!" You told him, trying to lighten the mood a bit, and it seemed to work. Freddy's ears perked up and a look of exhilaration spread across his face, "When do I get to meet them?!" You didn't realize Freddy wouldn't catch on. You sucked in air through your teeth, "You're not meeting him Freddy..." You saw the excitement drain out of him. His ears went down and his brows knitted upward, forming a sad look.

He was silent for a moment, you opened your mouth to explain that you didn't wanna freak your new friend out just yet but before you could you watched Freddy's mood change drastically. His brows went inward, he gridded his teeth, clenched his hands into fists, and grabbed you by your arm, "Who's him?" His voice was commanding and loud, you started to shake, "Freddy! L- let me go!" He grabbed you by your shoulders tightly, a low growl coming from his chest. He pushed you down onto the floor, he was bearing his teeth while his eye twitched, the light blue color that had once been glowing in his eyes was gone, and in it's place was a dark red. You felt tears blur your vision, you trembled, "WHO'S HIM?!" Freddy wasn't going to stop, he shook with rage and reached down to grab you but you quickly went through his legs. 

You didn't know what to do but you couldn't wait to make a decision. You made a dash for the stairs, you wanted to leave but felt the bear grab you and lift you into the air, he held you above his head and flipped you upside-down so you could see his face. You closed your eyes tightly and started to feel the tears pour down from your eyes to your forehead, Freddy stared at you for a second before setting you down slowly, standing you on your feet but you were so dizzy from everything you fell over, you were gasping for air. 

Freddy looked down at you sympathetically, the light blue color slowly fading back into his acrylic Iris. You wiped tears away refusing to look at him, Freddy sat next to you and started to rub your back, trying to comfort you. You heard the same music come from him, the one that'd put you to sleep. You calmed down and before you got tired, he shut the melody off and turned to you, "I'm so... so sorry Y/N, I- I don't know why I..." He looked away with oily tears falling from his face. You hugged him around his chest, "It's fine..." You knew it wasn't actually fine but you wanted Freddy to calm down. You heard a faint knock at the door and watched as Freddy's ears shot up, implying he'd heard it too. Freddy let out a low chuckle, "Have fun with your friend, Y/N..." And with that, Freddy went back to the garage. 

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