The Voice

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There was nothing to see, had you somehow been blinded? No... you could see fine a few seconds ago! Had it been only a few seconds...? You felt so disoriented and lost... But you could feel, you were awake. You put your arms out only to realize just how tight the space you were trapped in was, it was cold and metal, were you inside the bear? That seemed the most logical, so you took a few moments to try and piece together what happened.

"I am inside the bear..." You started to think to yourself. "This must be some elaborate prank. It was probably my dad who pushed me in." You let out a sigh of relief and snickered, "Ha ha, very funny!" You called, "You had your fun so just let me out!" Suddenly everything started to shake and it was accompanied by a sound, a very, very loud sound, it was laughter. But that laughter didn't sound at all like your fathers...

"Why would I let you go just yet, cupcake?~" Cupcake? That was a new nickname, but something about the voice sounded strange, not just the fact it sounded nothing like your father, but it sounded sinister...

"It's dark and cramped in here!" You were getting a bit annoyed then heard the same voice let out a small giggle. "I must say, you're a feisty one! What's your name?" You heard another laugh and rolled your eyes, "You know my name, dad." It was silent for a minute then the voice started to cackle in a way that almost made your ears bleed. "Oh, lambchop!" The voice paused to laugh again, "Don't you remember your mother and father leaving?! Perhaps you hit your head a bit too hard!~" The voice kept laughing uncontrollably. You started shaking, if that wasn't your dad, then who was it? 

Panic set in and you felt adrenalin flowing through you. "W- who are you?!" You tried to sound tough but the fear in your voice was clearer then the words itself. You knew that your captor must have heard it too. "Awe... why so worried now?~" The voice again laughed, you felt warm tears stream down your face like two rivers. "So, doll-face, why don't you give me your name~"

You didn't want to give this creep your name but it felt like you had no other choice. You were trapped inside the bear with no clear way out. "Y/N..." you said quietly, secretly hopping they didn't hear you.

"Y/N... Such a fitting name for someone like you~" The laughter started up again. "And who are you?" You said in such a firm way you surprised yourself, then you heard an audible gasp. "How rude of me!" The voice announced, "I'm Funtime Freddy! Though you can just call me Freddy, cupcake!" You paused for a moment. "Who the hell names their kid 'Funtime Freddy'?!" Both you and the voice went silent. "Kid?" The voice asked while you stayed quiet, "I'm not a kid! I'm an animatronic!" 

You scoffed, "Really?" You looked up to see the eyes of the animatronic slowly roll back to look at you. "Really~" The laughter boomed once more. You started to panic once again while Freddy watched.

      Freddy's POV: 

I watched Y/N panic, at first it amused me like always but soon the feeling faded. I started to feel uncomfortable watching, I might have even said I felt a bit bad... Why? What had gotten into me? The more I watched, the worse I felt. "Calm down!" I yelled at her, she seemed like she wanted to follow my orders but the tears and shaking persisted. "Just relax... I won't hurt you." God! What was I saying?! Yes, I would hurt her and I'd enjoy it too!

"You won't...?" Y/N's voice cut through my thoughts like scissors. "No. But on one condition." "Well... what's the condition...?" Y/N asked in that same quiet, soothing voice... I thought for a moment on what would make a good one condition, "You have to keep me entertained." Y/N didn't respond for a few minutes. "How am I supposed to do that...?" Another question I'd have to answer. "Talk to me, everyday. Keep me happy." I gave her clear instructions. Y/N nodded in agreeance to the deal. "Now could you please, let me out...?" I knew Y/N was still a bit nervous but I knew just how to fix that.

I pulled Y/N out of my belly and sat her on my lap, holding her close. I could feel her shaking violently while her heart accelerated, I'd met children with a similar problem and the way I helped them, was by playing a lullaby.

        Y/N's POV:

You could barely breath, fear had more control over your body then you did, but then you heard something... Piano music? It was soft, calming even... The effect it had on you was strange, it sounded like some normal song but all of a sudden you couldn't keep your eyes open, your limbs felt heavy, and your mind started to fog... You yawned and rested your head on the bears chest, you could hardly sit up. You felt so tired... The feeling grew more intense when you felt Freddy start to rub your back. Up and down, up and down... The pace was steady and it felt nice, you couldn't fight it anymore, soon sleep overtook the sense of fear and you were out cold.

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now