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You rocked inside his chest, feeling tired but not sleepy. Tired but not sleepy? That's an odd feeling. How long till you were home? "Freddy?" You called out to him; you watched his eyes roll back to face you, it reminded you of the night you'd first met him... Scary memory. 

"How long till we're home?" Your head leaned against the cold walls in his chest. "It'll be a while Cupcake... You might as well get comfortable." You let out a heavy sigh as Freddy's eyes rolled forward. You turned your phone back on and stared blankly at the screen, trying to think of something to do.

Where did Freddy come from? That's a topic to wonder about... Who would just make an animatronic than discard it? Freddy was rusty, sure, but that isn't hard to fix. Freddy worked perfectly! "Hey, Freddy?" His eyes didn't roll back to you but he'd heard your call, "Yes Cupcake?"

"Who made you?" Freddy didn't answer for about a minute, "Y/N." He started, "the question isn't who made me, it's why did they make me." You pursed your lips, why try to be poetic instead of answering the question? "Okay... Than why were you made?" Freddy suddenly stopped walking, making you shift slightly. 

"Freddy?" The lullaby faded, leaving you in silence. Freddy started to walk again, slower this time, almost dragging his feet on the gravel and dirt. You felt it'd be best to be quiet, it seemed like Freddy had no intentions of answering the question. Freddy kept walking, his response only fueled your curiosity. 

Freddy walked up to your doorstep than opened his chest. You got out and stretched your muscles. Your neck was stiff and your legs were a bit soar but other than that, you were glad to be home. You flipped over the rock that hid the spare key and unlocked the door. You and Freddy ventured up to your bedroom.

Freddy sat next to the side of your bed while you laid down, "tomorrow, I'm going to make you look brand new." You announced to him with slight enthusiasm, "okay, Cupcake..." He muttered to you under his breath, he didn't seem excited for his makeover but you knew he'd like it. You'd been imaging all the improvements you could make.

You closed your eyes and waited to fall asleep... You waited for five minutes, than ten, than thirty. Okay, this wasn't working. You opened your eyes and noticed that Freddy had powered off, what could you do till you fell asleep? "Who made you?" Your previous question rang in your thoughts. 

You sat up and tiptoed to your desk, grabbed your laptop, than sat down slowly on your bed. You wrapped the covers around your body and opened your laptop. You already had the brightness down pretty low but you decided to bring it down some more just incase the light would disturb Freddy.

Funtime Freddy, you typed eagerly into the search engine, listening to the soft clicking sound the keys made as your fingers hit them. You were met with thousands of results within about 0.44 seconds, there were a lot of images depicting your friend, except he was more lively. He was clean and shiny, the pinkish purple color on his belly and snout was much more inviting. 

There was something new though; new to you at least. It looked like a rabbit but it was missing its lower half and was replaced with Freddy arm. It was an interesting addition to say the least but something about it made you smile. You continued to surf though the aftermath of your surf and landed on multiple links.

"Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental?" You muttered out loud. You clicked on the link, wondering how this could be related to Freddy. You skimmed through the many paragraphs and learned quiet a few things... Freddy was made to entertain children! Why wouldn't he tell you that? He told jokes with his hand puppet named Bon-Bon, sang, and was rented out for privet parties! 

You continued to read upon learning he wasn't a "solo-act." Circus Baby was the main attraction, than there was Funtime Foxy who looked a bit feminine. You questioned if the fox was female or male but there was not really any indication, lastly, there was a ballerina named Ballora. Each mascot was quite unique and had their own purpose.

Circus Baby could sing like Freddy could, but she also danced, made balloons, and dispensed ice cream. Honestly, you were beyond impressed. One machine was capable of all that? Ballora danced like you'd expect any ballerina while Funtime Foxy encouraged kids to play and share? It wasn't as interesting as Circus Baby but oh well.

You exited the tab and kept looking. After around a minute, a news article caught your attention, "CIRCUS BABY'S CLOSES DUE TO GAS LEAK." You looked over the article and saw that it came before the pervious one, after further inspection you concluded that it became a rental after the gas leak. 


"FUNTIME FREDDY SOLD FOR THREE-HUNDRED THOUSAND." There it is, you clicked on the link to find interviews of an older man. There's three pictures, one of him holding up a sigh with 300,000 scribbled on it, another of him standing on a stage, and one of him shaking hands with another man in a suit.

This is who bought Freddy? Why would something so expensive be in a scrap yard? You kept reading for a bit longer before you went back to the search page. As you scrolled farther, you noticed a missing person report, some poor girl named Millicent Fitzsimmons. You kept looking through the results and as you did, you saw the name more and more often.

You clicked on one of the articles and started to read the page carefully. 

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now