The mystery thickens

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You looked into Freddy's dull eyes while an uncomfortable silence filled the empty spaces. Freddy looked away from you, "Well I..." He began saying. Suddenly his ears perked up and his nervous expression went soft, "Well he ran off cupcake! I grabbed him and pulled him off you then he ran out the door! I haven't seen him since... Why do you ask?" Fred saw him leave? But then how was he... "No reason, Fred! I've just been a bit paranoid I guess..." 

Fred smiled, "It's okay Y/N... I understand!" He stood up and left the room, shutting the door behind him. What'd he mean by he understood? Understood your behavior? You could just ask later... You took out your laptop and began watching your favorite murder documentary. Your mind started to feel fuzzy and you rested your head on your arm... 

You opened your eyes to see you were standing in the middle of a room... It was on fire and there, in front of you, stood the corpse of Alex... His eyes were still missing, yet he stared through your soul, the image piercing your mind. He stretched out his hand, his mouth twisting into a crooked smile, rows of teeth glaring like knife through the smoky flames. Fred stepped between you two, guarding you. 

Alex's proud smile faded to an angry scowl. Alex soon disappeared amongst the flames as well. Fred turned to face you, opening his arms for you. You jumped into them and felt the smoke and fire clear around the both of you, the moment of bliss started to turn bitter... His grip tightened suddenly, "Ow!" You screamed, looking up at him. His Face was now twisted and distorted, a wide, toothy grin, sunken eyes... 

You screamed as the fire returned, but there was no smoke to block the horrifying sight. He giggled while you thrashed around in his caging grip. Just a wolf in sheep's clothing... The phrase played through your thoughts... Oxygen started to run thin... Your chest was tightening. Fred leaned close to you, wrapping his hand around your throat, "Welcome to hell cupcake..."

You woke up screaming. You were hyperventilating when your parents opened your door, nearly breaking the hinges, "Are you okay Y/N?!" Your father called, your mother stood just behind him. Tears were messing with your vision, "Y- yeah I'm fine..." Your dad nodded and left with your mother. Wait, how long had you been sleeping? Your parents were already home!

It didn't matter... Fred sat motionless in a corner of your room. The images of the monster from your nightmare replayed in your mind. You felt shivers crawl down your spine. Why had you had that dream? You googled it but none of the hundreds of results helped... You remembered the twisted version of Alex... That part made sense, Alex was a "twisted person" but Freddy? He was sweet and gentle... mostly. But you still loved him! Maybe it was your guilty consciousness...? How could you fix this... 

You sat at the table with your parents, eating the meal your mother had prepared. You thought about telling them about Alex's dead body under the floor but didn't. They talked about their upcoming trip nonstop while you had bigger fish to fry. You struggled to stomach the food you would usually be shoveling down your throat.

You threw away most of the food, feeling bad about it, and walked back up to your room. You kept feeling you stomach pulsate inside you. It growled, almost begging you to eat more. You wouldn't give into it's constant demands. Laying down on your bed, you heard Fred walk towards you. You turned the other way, "Hey cupcake! How was diner?" He was speaking with a lowered volume so he didn't alert your parents.

You opened your mouth to speak but your stomach answered for you with another of its whiney demands. "Didn't eat much, huh Y/N?" You sat up and shook your head, "I didn't feel like it..." Fred sat next to your bed as he began to rub your arm at a soothing rhythm, "It's okay Y/N, you'll feel better tomorrow" You nodded at his accusation. 

"Hey Fred? I need to show you something tomorrow..." Fred's eyes seemed to get a bit brighter, "okay cupcake!" You both exchanged smiles whiled you returned to your resting position. You felt your eyes being weighed down with exhaustion, you let them shut. The past few days were getting to your head, you just wanted a few hours of relief.

You were walking up the stairs to your room during the middle of the night in darkness. You saw some of the floor boards had been lifted and were now missing... You heard the stairs behind you creak loudly as if someone, or something, was walking up them... You turned and came face to face with the corpse, you let you a shrill scream before Alex wrapped his boney hand around your mouth, keeping you quiet... 

Fred was no where to be seen... Where was he? Would he come to your rescue? Would it be the regular Freddy? Suddenly Alex's missing eyes were there! They were glowing a light blue haze... He smiled at you, his mouth growing wider and wider... You forced you down and pinned you to the hardwood floor, looking down at you... "Miss me Y/N~?" 

You woke up the next morning in cold sweat. You didn't scream but you wanted to... Fred walked in the room with a cup of coffee, "Good morning lambchop! It... It doesn't look like you slept very well" he commented with a nervous giggle. You sighed and sat up. You took the coffee and put it on your nightstand before shuffling to the garage, with Fred following your traps, "What are you doing?"

"You'll see..." You said in reply. You grabbed your crowbar and walked back upstairs without even stopping for a breath. You knelt down to the floor while taking in deep breaths. You could smell the coffee once more... You began to pry up the floors... You removed the boards carefully to find a surprise... Better yet, a lack of a surprise...

No Pulse (A CTW Funtime Freddy x Fem Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now