Andy's Scrap Yard

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You slept in late the next day, very late. It was around 1:30 AM when you woke but somehow you still felt a bit drowsy. Your slow pace managed to get you to the kitchen where you ate cereal, it wasn't a preferred lunch but you didn't feel like doing more than what you'd already managed. Your parents came home at their regular times then you were called for dinner. Tonight, you restrained yourself from eating too much again to avoid the feeling from yesterday. After dinner, you and your dad kissed you mom goodbye and got into his truck. Your father drove you to Andy's Scrap Yard, you couldn't recall if you'd ever been there, a thought at the back of your mind suggested you had but you weren't sure. You got out of the truck and were hit with a cool breeze of air making you shiver. "Brr... Should've brought a jacket..." you mentally scolded yourself for your ignorance before starting to venture around the scrap yard whilst your dad chatted with his co-workers. 

The scrap yard was a large assortment of piles containing things that ranged from stray pieces of metal to things made of metal, you found things you thought you'd see like old and used Appliances, rusty tools, and car parts but there were things you didn't expect to find like Platinum Jewelry, an old trophy or two, and...

"Woah..." You stared forward and saw  a particularly small pile housing something especially interesting... Sitting, slumped over with its knees to its chest and arms hanging down, was some kind of robot, looking similar to a bear but instead of there being fur, there was metal, desaturated white scuffed metal with pink matching accents on the ears, cheeks, and ears, dressed with a stylish top hat and bowtie. You were astonished by the sight and didn't notice your father behind you until he placed a hand gently on your shoulder, making you jump slightly. "I see you found something, Y/N" your dad laughed, "Is this what you want to bring home, sweet cakes?" You were going to answer but before you could, one of your dad's co-workers had picked it up with a forklift. "Hey!?" You were confused. "What are you doing to the poor thing, John?" Your dad asked the man, who apparently went by John, "he's due for the presser, Y/D/N!" 

"Huh? What's the presser?" You asked your dad. "The garbage compactor, doll." He gave you a sad look. "But I wanted to take him!" You called out despite still being unsure if you truly wanted the thing. "Sorry kid" John said, "some company, I think it was called Fazbear Entertainment, dropped him off and said to get him crushed as soon as possible." You felt a sudden twinge of sadness but decided there was nothing you could do to prevent the bear from being smashed to bits. "Alright..." you muttered and went to look else where in the scrap yard. Deep down you felt bad for it, "that thing hadn't seemed to have done anything wrong... why was it being scrapped? What was so wrong with it?" You thought to yourself but eventually moved passed it and kept looking. You found nothing of particular interest, though you dad did show you a few things, none of which impressed you quiet like the bear had, your dad could see that clear as glass.

"I'm sorry you can't take him home, kiddo" your dad said while his sorrowful expression soon changed too a delighted one, "but I think I know how to cheer you up!" His voice was filled with pride upon announcing it. "Really? What?" You asked while a smile started spreading across your face that soon faded. "You'll have to wait till your birthday~" He said and started giggling, you felt a bit frustrated but smiled anyway. You were excited for your birthday, yes, but things hadn't been the same as when you were a kid, back then, birthdays were all the rage. You would gets so many new toys and clothes, but now, you only got a small bit of money. You were still grateful, you just missed the high levels of excitement  you felt when ripping open a paper covered box.

You had one more day till your birthday party, it wouldn't be much of a party though, you'd invited no one, no friends or family except your parents, you didn't enjoy crowds, they made you feel uneasy. You knew you'd need to stay in your room tomorrow so your parents could set up for the party, they'd take the day off. 

The rest of the night went by fast then your dad drove the two of you home. He unlocked the door and you leisurely walked to your bedroom and collapsed onto your mattress, sending you to sleep.

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