A riddlebat fanfic riddled with angst, lactose intolerance, and love confessions. Bruce Wayne, the Batman, goes undercover on a social media website to hunt down the Riddler, a streamer who has been terrorizing Gotham by exposing its corruption thro...
Eddie was crazy. He was so interesting looking when he talked about something he was passionate about. It was almost attractive. What was not attractive was that he went all maniac and blew up my hometown. Like Tomato Town, Gotham was no more.
I gazed at the barren sea of ashes before me. I desperately tried to picture the humble cottages that once dotted the quaint country landscape that raised me. No one cared to know Gotham before my boyfriend (ex boyfriend tbh) blew her up. We lived simple, slow lives, cultivating our beautiful land and thanking God for blessing us with shelter, food, and family. Of course I didn't thank God now because I didn't believe in him. I only believed in the savings I enjoyed by earning Kohl's cash. Although we didn't have much, we were happy, and we were grateful. I still remembered how the void in my empty stomach managed to make me feel heavy, full of grief, as I waited for the season's harvest. I remembered how relieved I felt when Alfredo (my personal butler) brought me my Louis Vuitton SpaghettiOs. The gilded spoon and fork, and the beautifully crafted Louis Vuitton noodles that floated before me reminded me of when Louis Vuitton himself attended my second birthday party and baptism in the Notre Dame, a small local church, which we rented out for the day. Maroon 5 crashed my party, like they did all things. After Adam Levine showed up unprompted to my baptism, dressed in clerical clothing and drenched in busy, clipart tattoos, I developed my raging hatred for that npc of a man. I unfortunately ended up in the Sugar music video, where you could see Adam actively flirting with my mom, and when rejected, turning to Alfredo. Adam Levine could no longer flirt with my mom because she was dead, meaning she was not alive. Maroon 5 even had the audacity to crash my parents' funeral, where he sang Sugar over my mom's grave (he couldn't let go) and plagued our ears with his top 10 hits (his only hits). It looked like this:
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God, our town was so quaint and poor. If only we had some government funding. That's what Renewal was supposed to be for. I wondered why it became so corrupt. I think people were just greedy and selfish. They could have just asked the government for help instead of stealing. It probably wasn't that hard. Not like it was my parents' dream or anything. They could neither oversee the program nor dream because they were dead. Murdered right in front of me. Their deaths (plural because both my parents died) made me an orphan, meaning that both of my parents were not alive (dead).
Eddie was monologuing, and in between his sentences, mumbling the words to Bohemian Rhapsody. I couldn't believe he actually did it. Sure, he continuously told me that he would and that he would never change, but I thought my words would change him. I could have fixed him. It was like, for the first time in my life, someone told me "no." I didn't like the feeling at all. I had to go fix this... But could I leave him here? Could I leave him like this?
I decided to leave him like that. He turned away to look at the chaos he induced upon our city. He had tried to ascend to the level of God, flooding the city, our world, to rid itself from sin and corruption. The citizens would be the Nephilim, a perverted race, destined to be destroyed by God's hand. The citizens of Gotham. They needed me. I slowly tiptoed towards the door. I was trying not to make too much noise. This was the perfect time to show off my parkour skills... and save people ofc. I was being so stealthy and quiet as Eddie was entranced with the view outside. I finally made it to the door and turned around to exit. I had been very quiet, but I couldn't resist slapping the door frame. It called to me like the box called Pandora (not the music streaming site) or the serpent to Eve. I quickly slapped the smooth cold metal and then bolted out the door to the bathroom where I then locked the door.