|bakugo| : ) ✅

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Ima write two different parts of them
This is also a non-binary reader

Ima write two different parts of themThis is also a non-binary reader

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"Captain, here's the paper work you asked for." your second in command came in the room with papers you needed for a certain someone...

Katsuki bakugo

He was supposed to be captured and jailed because being a pirate nowadays was a crime, and you were supposed to capture his entire crew and him. But here's the fun part what the marine didn't know, you to were together.

"Alright you may leave now, I'm going to leave and start." you said getting up from your desk and walking towards the door that let to a boat.
"Ummm Captain what are you even planning?" the second in command asked you. "We'll simple I'm going to infiltrate" that was a lie tho. You we're just going to connect to the boat onto his and just be there and talk with them and possibly have a drink with them. Being with them you felt relaxed, like you could do anything you wanted with them.

Finally in the boat your first in command was the first to speak when you started the boat. "Captain what are you planning on doing?" you side. "like I said, I'm infiltrating them." you spoke before leaving.

The wind from the ocean was salty, you could practically smell it, it's been an hour out sea, and finally you saw the ship of your beloved captain. Finally at the ship. grabbing a microphone and yelling into. "You boys done soaking yourselves in booze." that's when a red haired boy looked over the ship. I knew him as kirishima, he was katsuki's first meet.

"Oh y/n! Wait there a moment!" he yelled down, walking away and throwing down a rope, I tied the rope to my boat and climbed up.

"Oh it's y/n I thought it was your co-workers" said a pink haired woman. "Oh really? I'm the only one who's allowed in a boat by their selves right now. " I said to the girl."Wow meany y/n, and I know I'm teaseing you." She spat.

"By the way you here for your sexy man?" she giggled teaseing once more. "They sent me here to capture my handsome Captain!" I dramatically spoke. "Oh just wait till they find out." kirishima laughed out.

"Oi what the hell is going on?!" your blasty pirate yelled form the captain's area. (sorry I don't knownthe name of it) "sorry captain your little partner is here~" Mina giggles out her comment.
"Go do your fucking Jobs." bakugo said to the two by you. "Ok sir." they said walking away from you. "Hey sweety pie. " he said kissing your cheek. "You know I don't like that nickname." you spoke laughing a bit. "Oh but you act like to do." he said pining me to the side of his ship.

"God the mean pirate captain has me captured!" you teased him. "Hmmmm I think I should keep you if your stupid boss makes you keep coming to "capture me." he giggled." what's the excuse you gonna make this time sweet heart." he spoke. "Oh that I couldn't find them. " you spoke.

"Captain stop flirting with your little marine captain!" said the person you knew as sero. "Stop fucking telling me what to do!" he yelled at the man, the man sighed and got to do what he was doing. That's when he got up from pining you, walking towards the captains area, and you followed.

"So you staying for some time?" he asked drinking something, it was probably boozes, it smelled like it.
"Hmmm maybe a week. " you spoke. "Good I can have fun with you. " he said pulling y/n to his side.
"God what do you have plan with me hmm?" you giggled.

That's when the door to the place opened.

"Oops! Did I interrupt something?" said the man you knew as denki. "Get out." bakugo spat at the man. "Awww but the Sun is setting soon and wanted to know if y/n could party with us." he spoke out. "Could we? Why not it could be fun." you giggled. "Ugh fine." he spoke and followed after you, since to we're walking out.

Time skip

"That's when you second in command said." "Oh YoU kNoW tHaT iF yOu JuSt TrUn YoUr SeLf in. " Mina said drunkenly. You laughed. "God why can't they just let you be what you are, I'm so sick of my job." you said drinking the boozes they gave you.
"Why not quit?" she asked. "Cuz of the pay." you laugh.

"Y/n" bakugo said from behind both of you. "Awwww don't take them away!" Mina said drunkenly once more. "Sorry girl I got to." you said sitting up and follow bakugo.

You sat on the top of his desk he closed the door, and walked up to you, putting his head in the crook of your neck. "God, I wish I could be with you all the time." he spoke. "I think I'll stay with you." you said kissing his head.

alternate world

They giggled at who they caugh. You. That is the one word you could say, they originally took you so they could kill you to show that without their leader, they have nothing. You we're bloody, your face had been the one bleeding, once they caught you they smashed your head onto the ground of where you were at the time. "Bring her to the captain, he will surely love the little captain we got here." the red haired man said.

Once you we're there you saw the man himself katsuki bakugo. He smiled at what he had his hands on. One of the most powerful people in Japan.

"Good now I have what I wanted." he said. He held your head by your chin. "Uh what the hell do you mean?" you asked. "Let's just say you'll never go back to that stupid job of yours." He said then kissed your lips. That's when you knew you would stay there forever...

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now