Dragon todoroki ✅

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Btw he's a prince in this

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Btw he's a prince in this. I'm sorry but some of the details in this story much stay for plot! Sorry!

In a kingdom of cherry trees and flowers that were always in bloom, two children played, running around and enjoy the nice warm weather, someone watched the two children play.

"Y/n, Salem, please come in before it gets cold." the person now revealing themselves to be the queen and the mother of the two. "Yes mother." Salem ran to his mother, but y/n stayed. "Mother may I have a couple of minutes?" y/n spoke to her mother not looking at her, and continuing to pick the flowers.

"No, y/n the cold can kill us, the icy evil it not so kind." her mother warned her eldest. "People have turned into statues because of that beast!" she yelled

Y/n white eyelashes fluttered and she closed her eyes and opened them again, the legend of this so called beast was that one look from it could cause you to die, forever be stuck in ice, but y/n didn't believe the stories.

She knew other didn't, she knew that her mother and father aren't her parents. Just a kid picked up on the side on the road, but her mother denied it and said she was her own flash and blood, but y/n was not stupid.

Her white eyelashes, her blue eyes, and snow white hair. Her 'family' was not the same. The dark hair, brown eyes, and normal eyelashes.
"I'm not going in. It, the cold, has never bothered me." y/n spoke claimly but this pissed off her ''mother'' "Do you have any respect for your own mot-" but she was cut off.
"No! No I don't! Because you are not my mother! Your a woman who took me in when I was a baby and decided I was your own, I'm nothing like you!" y/n yelled and final turned to her.

Her so called 'sibling' was in tears. "Leave me here to die in the cold, and watch from her oh so warm, leave me to die." y/n spoke and they walked away from you

She, y/n, watched as the two left. She went back to picking the flowers as it got colder and colder the air becoming more wilder and she heard footsteps approaching her.

"A princess of the flower kingdom should not be out here." he spoke. Y/n turned to the voice to see someone so dear to her heart. "Hello my prince, Shoto Todoroki." she smiled at the boy. He also had a smile on his face. His cheeks a pink-ish color. "Are you happy to see me? The so called beast of the cold?" y/n asked him. Which made him chuckle.

"Is that want the humans of the flower kingdom call me?" he asked. "Yes they do." you chuckled. "And this that power of yours they think your the one of the crime freezing people." you giggled once more. "Well technically it is me, but the only reason I do it, is because they try to kill me." he spoke sitting down with you. Then kissing your cheek. Then laying on his chest.

"Y/n" you cut in off. Not releasing he had spoken. "Todoroki, please take me with you this time  when you leave." you teared holding onto him tighter and tighter. "Please." you whispered out. "I was about to say this, but my mother and father has agreed for us to get married." he then kissed your forehead. "Really? I thought your father was rude." you spoke tears still in your eyes.

"Well once he found out your princess he was glad he could get more land," he sighed, then continued. "and my mother was just happy that I found someone to love." he spoke looking down at you.

You quickly got up into a sitting up right and grabbing his hands. "Shoto! Please can we leave now?" you asked with star eyes. He stared blank eyed at what you had just said.
"Oh! I'm sorry I just, thought that you'd want me to call you that since you call me by my first name." you now playing with your fingers. "Sorry its just, I don't know but you can me that for now." He chuckled.

Todoroki then got up and held his hand to you. "Y/n let's get going." You then grabbed his hand, him pulling you to chest. "You ready?" You spoke to him. "Yea." "then hold on tight." He spoke, his wing flapping open and flew into the sky.

The breeze felt so good on your face. It was so clam, nothing could interrupt your peace but it did end thanks to shoto todoroki, by him making it to the icey lands of his home town. The Glacier kingdom was much more prettier in your opinion to the flora kingdom. The area looked to be shining in the sun light, the ice sparkling. The snow as white as the clouds, no they had to be ever whiter then them. It felt like home to you, you felt like you belonged there unlike the place you used to call home.

The guards looked shocked to see you when the two of you walked by them, but now in the place was harder to get used to the stairs of the others who worked there or had business with the queen. When you first heard about todoroki's family you couldnt really understand it. His mother ruled the snow lands of Glacier and his father ruled the area of Blazemith. This sister, Fuyumi, stay with their mother and the second son, Nastu, also lived with there mother. This made you wonder though, because the oldest of them, Toyu, stayed this there father, and what you heard from todoroki, his father can be quite rude. He had a temper that's for sure, but when he talked about him, he was always sad saying that "his brother never sent him letter, gift, or came to see him" ( the letter/gift first coming from todoroki)

Now you were getting closer and closer to the queen herself. What you didn't expect was to see his sidings. "Oh is this the girl you have been talking about so much?" Nastu teased his younger brother. "Yes, I am. My name is Y/n L/n." You spoke then bowed to show your respect to his family. "Oh dear you don't have to do that." His mother spoke then continued. "You are family now, I was so pleased that shoto found someone he loved, when he was a little boy he never got to spend time with anyone, or he thought they wanted to be his friend because he was the prince." You looked at todoroki and his cheeks were getting pinker and pinker by the second.

"If I recall you're from flora right?" Fuyumi spoke. "Yes, I am." "But you look nothing like someone from flora." She spoke, putting her finger on her chin. "Yes I do come from the flora kingdom." "Do both your parents come from the flora kingdom because I know people can change where they live." She spoke once more. "Well I don't know who my actual parents are the queen and king kinda just adopted me at a young age"

"Oh I'm sorry." Fuyumi spoke. "No you didn't know you don't have to apologize." You smiled to her, she looked shocked at first then smiled back.

"Oh I almost forgot, Shoto, your father will not be meeting her today, since he is busy at this time." "Anyways I'm going to take her to your room shoto!" Fuyumi spoke grabbing your shoulders and taking you to his room.

—-Years later—-

"Mommy!" Your son ran towards you, his worried face making you panic a bit thinking something was wrong. "What is it? What hurts? Is something bleeding or someone?" You asked looking over his face to see if anything was wrong. "Nope! All good I want to just say hi!" He smiled. "Toshi, stop scaring your mother one of these days she's not going to listen to you." Todoroki scolded. "Sorry mommy." Toshi apologized then continued. "Could you make me a flower?"

"Of course, just promise me you won't ever scare me like that again." "I won't anymore pinky promise!" His smile looked like a glowing sun. With those words your hand seemly glowed, and sprouted, the flower growing bigger and bigger. Till it was perfect, you plucked and in place it behind his ear. He giggled and ran off to his blonde friend.

"Remember when we were like that?" Todoroki asked you, hugging from behind. Watching Toshi give the flower to the little girl, theming running off to go play. "Yes but I wonder who will ask first." You spoke holding his hands. "Knowing her father she is going to be to stubborn to ask him or shes going to ask him." He said then kissed your cheek. "I bet she will ask first." You giggled out.

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now