Daddy Todoroki ✅

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This is NOT the third part of yandere reader, sorry, but this was asked and now I'm writing it 😁

warning!⚠️ mentions of torture

Todoroki was sleeping in bed cuddling the love of his life, but sadly he had to leave for work soon

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Todoroki was sleeping in bed cuddling the love of his life, but sadly he had to leave for work soon. Kissing you forehead and getting up from the bed you two shared. Walking to the bathroom and doing everything he needed. Putting his hero costume on and looking at you again, he swears to you at the time of morning he getting up, the Sun made it look like you glowed, everything that he loved about you shined. (key words "made it look like you glowed") Once finished, he walked to his childrens room, they were both infants, almost one year's old.

He walked to where one of the twins slept, she was your daughter, of course, but he bent down and layed a kiss on her head. She moved her hand towards her mouth and it looked like she was about to giggle, but didn't.

He then went to his son and did the same, but he was different. He grabbed the blanket his mother bought for the two, each having there own, and bring it to his mouth and looked like he was going to cry but didn't, thankfully. He then left the house.


You had woken up two hours after todoroki left. You yawn your sleepiness away. Getting up and doing everything you did in the morning. Surprisingly, the twins didn't awake you up. Walking into their room you saw them sleeping peacefully.

Your son, Akihito, was cuddling his blanket, and his sister, Ichika, sleeping with nothing. You giggled out. Seeing them sleep, made you tried. You haven't gotten sleep for weeks now, but now you had other things to do.

You closed the door and walked over to the office, sitting down and opening the computer, and getting to work helping your husband.

Finding a criminal or mass murderer.

He was wanted for killing 8 heroes, 6 villains, and 20 citizens. He was good but you were better. Analyzing every photo your eyes went everywhere.

"Boom, found you." you spoke, seeing just a little of his face you could find him where ever he was you could find latitude and altitude of where he was.

You left the room and grabbed your phone. Texting your husband.

"Found him. Just 1/20 of his face but I found part of it so I can find him quite, quiter if you can get another photo." you texted.

"That's great. I'll try and send more photos around his crime scenes." he texted.

"Thank you hun, love you." you texted.

"I love you most." he texted.

You set your phone down, and walked back to the computer to see if you could find anything else. Sitting and opening back the files, you notice something. The lasted crimes was near your street. So you hurried to look at all the other photos and it seemed to get closer and closer to the house. You panicked, using your quirk you could see through his eyes and he was right in front of the house, but something was different your vision changes to a building and wrote down everything. Then you ran to get your phone but once you grabbed it. It was shot out of your hand, a bullet right through it.

"Wow got here just in time before you could call you sweet husband." he spoke. "What do you want?" you huffed out. He chuckled. "Nothing really, just wanted to piss off shoto." he spoke. "And kill me? He'll just come get you faster then now." you huffed out.

"Well, that won't happen." he aimed his gun and you and shot right at your neck... But instead of blood oosing done your neck. It was nothing, but you felt sleepy, ending up trying to get up and falling asleep. Falling to the floor all you saw was his smile.

"Todoroki? Are you fine." Deku asked his friend as they were in a meeting. "No my wife hasn't replied and she always does." h spoke looking at his phone. It was been 20 minutes since he sent you more photos. " he was staring intently at his phone. "I'm sorry but I'm leaving early. " he spoke getting up from his chair.

"Huh?! Icy-hot what the fuck! You just fucking got here." Bakugo yelled at him. "Your not my concern right now." he spoke walking out of the room to his car.

Now at his house he opened the door to see... The window in the living facing the kitchen, broken. His eyes widened and ran to the twins room.

They were surprisingly still fast asleep but thanks to him barging in both of them had woken up. He walked up and picked both of the in one hand. They had been crying but now on there favorite sides, Akihito on the cold side and Ichika on the warm side, had fallen back to sleep. He then walked out of the room to you office.

That's when he saw the note. He read it.

"End of mutofu (I think I spelled that right 😬) south blue apartment second floor next to gray one."

That was it. He walked out and placed the twins on the couch, and he noticed that your phone he a bullet hole in it. He grabbed his phone and called his sister.

"Are you with mom?"

"Can you two watch Akihito and Ichika for some time?"

"I think y/n has been taking and I don't want to leave the two by themselves, and you two are the only people that are the closest, and that know about them."

"Thank you."

You and the twins were supposed to be a secret to the world just in case of something like this, but one day the media found out when you two were on a date, but thankfully his sweet babies are still a secret. After a couple of minutes cuddly his babies his mother and sister had arrived, and with that he thanked them and went to your office then saying goodbye to his mother and sister.

(Ps they were very happy to see the twins again but worried for you.)

He texted deku.

"We need to go there." todoroki texted.

"Why?" deku texted.

"I'm not listening to a dumb ass like you." bakugo texted.

"Because that's where 'gun kill' is." he texted

"Wait?! Y/n found him?!" deku texted.

"Yes and I believe he was her." he texted.

"We'll be there soon!" deku texted

"Finally I get to beat some fucking ass!" bakugo texted. "

And this that he closed his phone and drove there.

He finally made it with deku and bakugo getting there 3 minutes after he did. She's in there and I'm sure of it.

"Hahahahahaha! This is going to be fun!" bakugo blasted up there. "Kacchan!" deku said reaching out to him then going after him.
"Ugh I wanted this to be quite but I guess not." todoroki sighed, following right after.

"God damn you we're to easily." bakugo spoke holding him into a choke hold. Todoroki walked over to him. "Where is y/n?" he asked in a deadly tone.

"Sh-shes i-in t-the -ot-other ro-room." he spoke out. Deku hand cuffing him and taking his away.

Todoroki walked into the bedroom and saw you. You had cuts all over body and you looked to be crying.

"Y/n!" he called out, and you looked right up to him. He ran to you getting you out of the ropes he had you in. You we're crying and all he could do was comb through your hair, and say nothing but loving word and completes.

"Wait! Are the twins always?!" you asked still crying. "Yes, yes they are." he spoke hugging you tighter, and you hugging him back. He kissed the top of your head and took you home with him and the two you loved oh so much.

Bro I wrote this in one day 😳

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now