|Bakugo x reader| A little human? ✅

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This chapter is inspired by this piece by DragonPunk15 on twitter!

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This chapter is inspired by this piece by DragonPunk15 on twitter!

Bakugo was a Naga, or half human half snake. He was going out to find something to eat. He didn't know what he wanted to eat but he was hungry.

He ended up making his way by a village, maybe he could steal one of the sheep's they had, cook it and boom full. But he ended up hearing in a conversation two of the villagers we're saying.

"Have you heard anything from the l/ns?" "no I haven't, and by the heavens I haven't even seen them for a week." "wasn't miss l/n pregnant too?" "yes she was, I wonder if they are ok." "I'll check after work today." "alright see you."

That's when he didn't want to listen anymore, and he wanted to see what they meant, so he made his way to where he thought they live, which he was right. He made is way in the house looking from room to room and trying not to make a sound. That's when he got to the last room. When he opened it all he could see was blood.

The man was more closer to the door, a woman hunched over something. He was shocked, what could have done with and for the whole village not to hear a thing?! That when he noticed something move from under the woman. He made his way over towards the woman and moved her away to see... A little baby. It had its face scrunched up, it looked like it was about to cry. It opened its eyes and then started to babble putting its arms in the air.

"What do you want?! Picked up?!" he asked, and all the baby did was babble. He picked the baby up by the leg. "Your the weirdest thing I've ever seen." he spoke to himself. "What if i eat you instead?" he smirked. He move the baby closer to his month. But he stopped when he felt little hands on his fangs.

The little baby was giggling, and babbling. He move the little baby away from his mouth. He thens coils around his self and cradles the little baby. "You lucky human." he spoke. Remembering that this is the first human not to be scared of him.

That's when he got up, and maybe or not took a sheep with him back to his house and set the baby down. Cutting the sheep open and placing it down. He looked over to where he put the baby, and it was gone. He looked everywhere for the little thing he decided to keep.

He noticed that the little baby was wrapped around his tail. He picked the little baby.
"I can't keep calling you human, hmmmm what do you think would be good for ya?" he asked, all the baby did was babble. "Y/n I'll call you y/n?" he asked rubbing his chin all the baby did was... Babble and giggle. "I'm taking that as a yes." he smirked.

"Wait... How the fuck am I going to feed you?" he looked confused. "Fruit? Maybe." he looked more confused. "Ok you stay here I'll be back." he said placing you down and going through his stash. "Hmmmm do I even have fruit?" he asked to himself.

"Shittttttttt. I don't have anything for a baby." he looked pissed. He slithered towards you and
Picked you up. "Babble all you want. Your coming with me so you don't die. Wait let me get a bag. "

He made his way towards a fruit field. Picking all the fruit the bag could carry and maybe eating some, and even giving you some. "God your such a messing eating." he giggled.

"Ok time to leave y/n." he said slithering back towards his little cave.

Once at the little cave he called home. You yawned, ready for a nap. "You tried? Let me clean your dirty ass face." he said rubbing a towel on your face. You yawned once more, and then fell asleep.

"Awwwww look at you. Lazy ass." he said eating the meat he prepared earlier. He looked at you rapped up in his pillows he had stolen. He was thinking what to do.

Hmmmm maybe I could keep them... I could make them get me stuff in villag. No that's using the little brat.

He look towards you once more. Getting up and picking you up and taking you outside getting on top of a tree. Getting up and makes sure you or him wouldn't fall off. Then now with both of you following asleep in the sun light.

-year's later-

"Bakugo I got you the these you wanted." you spoke coming back from one of the villages. "Good brat now give what I asked." he said from a tree near the cave. You giggled. "Here you go, then bakubutt." you giggled once more.

"You shut your mouth brat." he said. Grabbing it out of your hand. "Brat did you get yourself something?" he asked as you sat down at the bottom of the tree. "Yea no worries. I got me a book to read. " you spoke.

He chuckled, eatting the food you bought for him. "Thanks brat." he spoke looking at the book you bought. "What? What did you say?" you asked. Be blushed. "I said you have terrible taste in books." "ok bakugo." you said starting to read the book.

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now