Nejire x Neko? reader

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She was walking back to UA. "Meow" she looked up to see a black cat, but this cat was weird... on the cats head was a crescent moon. It had looked like a anime she watched as a kid. Her smile widened. "Come here kitty! Ps ps ps ps." She moved to the kitty but the thing got up and walked more away from her on the wall. "Come on kitty!" She chases after it. The cat ended up going all the way to UA, jumping into the yard. She quickly got her card out and got in, but the cat was gone...

She huffed out of breath, she felt sad. Not being happen to see the cute kitty. She then heard two girl Tsu and Uraraka. The two were coming in but paused when they saw her. "What are you doing here?" Uraraka asked as the two walked up. "Oh oh oh! I was following a weird looking cat! Oh did I mention it had a moon on its head!" She pointed to her forehead.

"Oh, well if we see it we'll tell you!" Tsu spoke as the girls waved away. Nejire just stood there trying to figure where the kitty could of gone. She walked around the paths, making noises that a cat would usually come to. Running around not seeing where she was going she noticed, a girl and the same cat! She ran over to the girl. "Hey hey! Is this your cat?" She asked what looked to be a second year. "Oh umm yes she is." The girl picked up the cat and petted it in her arms.

"How did she get the moon on her head? When?  And why?" Nejire looked around the girl. "Oh umm she was born like this. I would know." She backed up a bit. "Wait really!?" She smiled. "Yes, but we should really get going." The two left the the area what looked to be going to the 2-a dorms. Nejire paused, wanting to know more about this weird cat. The way it looked at her looked human. It's eyes narrowing as it looked at her.

So she went to her dorm and slept on it. Wondering what the heck happened today.

"That girl was weird." Your friend said as she helped you up a shelf. "Meow." You the black cat huffed. "I get it, but still I don't understand you." Your friend sat on her bed. You laid your head down, wondering how to get back to your normal self. "Girl you know, you should try going to that one teacher for class 1-a." He spoke up to you. "Meo" you placed your head in between your front legs. "Though I don't know how your going to explain what happened." She giggled. You looked away from her, not wanting to deal with this girl anymore.

Nejire woke up and got ready and well once again met the cat, this time it was on her balcony. Tapping at the glass. She opened the door for the cat to just come in and walk to her door. "Hey! I didn't invite you in!" She went for the cat but it dodged every time! You don't know why but you just were drawn to her, was it your quirk? Maybe. That was until you got caught. "There we are!" She held you up to face her. That was when you were pulled closer to her, until you felt her kiss the top of your head.

She then held you close to her chest. "Geez your just the cutest thing ever!" She then looking at you again. "Your owner is SO lucky to have you cutie!" She then sat down on the floor and let you go. She tried to play with you but you just sat there. "Goodness, your lazy aren't you?" She asked. That was when smoke started to appear around the two of you. Both of you being shocked.

Nejire started to cough as the smoke filled her room, going into open the door to the balcony. She could then hear coughing from her room. She looked back as the smoke disappeared, for her to see. "OMG!" She corned her eyes as she saw a naked girl. "Where did the cat go!?" She asked as she tried to look at you. "Ummm I'm the cat." You spoke kinda in disbelief. "Wait you are?!" She asked, her hands leaving her face. You covering your body. "See my quirk is a cat one, and I got stuck as it because of a villain." You spoke. "Wait really?! How does it work?! Does it have any drawbacks?!" She moved closer to you.

She then realized the black cat ears and tails from you. "OMG YOUR SO CUTE!" She squealed as she went to touch them. "Please don't!" You spat away her hand. "Oh but come on!" She smiled. "No, there sensitive." You spoke, but please can I borrow some clothes?" You asked. "Oh yea! What's your size? Do you have any colors you want? What style do you like?" She asked looking at you as she went to her closet.

Then throwing many things over to you. Taking them off your face then facing her to be met with shorts to the face. Following to the others as you had a blank face. "You don't have to throw so many clothes over to me." You spat. "No! No! I'm just making sure you have enough things to pick from!" She smiled to you. "God." You whimpered as you looked at the many clothes the were on you. Then finding one you like, putting in on. Then putting some shorts on. "Hey hey! Want to be friends then? I still have so many questions to ask you!" She smiled as she got to your level.

"God, here we go... don't give me too many." You sighed. She then hugged you tightly. "Yay! Such a cute kitty you are!" She nuzzled into you. "I'm not cute!" You tried to get away from the tight hug. "If you want I'll give you a kiss on the nose whenever!" She smiled. "HEY WAIT! Think about that for a second!" You spoke, as she giggled.

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now