Currently not working on!!!!
Please give requests as well! But hese are one shot and more!
These are commissions from my YouTube or second parts to stories that aren't made by me!
Don't worry about the check marks those are for me! ❤️
Start: April...
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This was inspired by the little mermaid And I kinda change his (bakugo's) you'll find out also your as well (kinda)
"So you're Bakugo Katsuki right?" The Captain of the royal guard. "Yea? So what about it? You gunna arrest me? I bet you won't to shit." I spat at him, spitting at his feet. "Sir Todoroki! You should behead him at once for disrespecting you sir!" His second in command spoke. "I can not, they need it gone." He sighed.
"Mhm?" he asked. "You know about sirens right pirate?" todoroki asked. "Yes and what about them?" he glared at him. "You know their diet, right?" he asked. "Yes they eat roughly about 200 grown men in their whole life." bakugo spoke . Todoroki looked to be happy, but the frown on his face said otherwise.
"It was eating 487 people and she is only about a teen in our age, 14" bakugo finally looked shocked. A siren lives to be 40 year's old in human lifetime, but they actually live for 400 year's. So this siren has lived for 140.
"You have killed many, I regret to ask this. Can you help us kill it." todoroki sighed. "Fine what do I get?" he spat leaning back. "Pirates." he sighed. "Iida can you get me a paper and pen?" he sighed. Iida already had it for him and set it on the table staring intently at bakugo.
"Here. This is what you'll be getting." he handed the paper to bakugo. What was written on it was:
40 gold pieces
A barrel of gems
The head of it
100 acres of land
Bakugo looked at the paper and really didn't care for anything in it. "And what about the scales?" he asked. "The king wants them." that made bakugo confused. "Why?" he asked. "I can't say." he spoke. Bakugo had gotten up and walked to the door.
"I'll get it done within a month." he then slammed the door.
-2 weeks later-
Bakugo was by himself throughout this whole thing. He didn't want his crew to die. Looking everywhere but not see anything. "So they send another one for me to kill." he heard a chuckle. He looked to where the voice came from. The fog made it worse to see where it came from.
He looked around a 180*, but in front of the boat there was a large rock with skulls all on it he looked up and saw the thing people were calling it
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"Goodness I have been having a feast. Those stupid humans." they giggled, then looking at him. "Oh poor human." they giggled. "They think they can kill me, but. Oh!" bakugo was becoming angry.
"What the fuck! I can kill you!" he pointed at them. They giggled. "See human, your not the first, your hmmmmm the 30th." they then giggled ounce more, then going into the water.
The fog seemed to consumed him. Getting closer and closer. Seemly taking his eyes.
Bakugo view came back, not on his boat but back in the caption corders... Wait was it all a dream? He went to his paints and dug through the pocket finding the paper the caption gave him, but this time it was writing different:
40 gold pieces
A barrel of gems
The head of the caption
100 acres of sea
He put on his pants and a shirt and opened the door. The ship was at shore of a island that looked to have no one living on it. He looked around noticing nothing wrong.
He jumped off the side and landed on the land, and started to look around, noticing nothing. Just fruit, animals in the bushes looking at him, but then he saw a waterfall. It looked different from any normal one...
It glowed.
He walked to it thinking about if he should go in it or not, which he did. "Great I'm all wet now, I hate it." he sighed. "Oh you're up! excellent!" he heard the same voice, he looked up and saw you.
"Why the fuck did you let me live?" he yelled. "Oh poor sweet human, its because over the many places you've gone, I've been with you." you giggled. "What-" he looked schocked.
You giggled, rolling into the water down below. The water once so clean and pretty blue, was gone in the blink of an eye. The water turned mucking and green. The smell even changed too. What was going on? You then came up from the water jumping on him. Then you said something that made his mind blank, he couldn't remember what you said but next all he saw was the kings body covered in blood, limbs ripped out. He looked in shock. Who did this?
"You silly." He heard your voice but this time when he looked at you, you had legs. You walked up to the kings lifeless body, and grabbed the crown. "You killed the captain too. What a delight that I don't have to deal with then." You giggled looking at the crown that was in your hand.
"I think this belongs to you." You spoke holding out the crown to him. "What about the people was well." He was scared that his mother and father were killed. "Just these two, now are you going to take the crown?" Your tone had darken with seconds. "I don't want to become king!" He yell as he stabbed you with his sword. Blood spilled from your stomach to the floor. You giggled. "Oh sweet Bakugo katsuki, the king of the sea, do you really think this was all real?!" Your eyes went black and smock filled his eyes once more.
This time when he woke up though, he was in the middle of the ocean wondering if it was all a dream or not, he wished it wasn't, he wished that he didn't kill you but instead make you his bride/husband.
But not to far from his boat you watched as he made his way back to the kingdom to collect his men, you did want to kill the king and the captain, but now you have him. Someone who has taken the heart of the ocean worst treat to land.