Tamaki x reader x ????? Pt1/2✅

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Tamaki and you knew each other when you two were little, like really little

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Tamaki and you knew each other when you two were little, like really little. Maybe you two had been five when you met him. "Hey my name is y/n... what's yours?" You asked quickly and quietly. He looked up to you, your hand out for him to take. You two were the lasted ones to have parter up. Your hair was covering your face. He could tell that you were red in the face. "Tamaki." He spoke, he could finally see your face now.

Your eyes looked to be teary. Your hands were scattered. "A-are y-you o-ok!?" He got up holding your hand. You looked shocked. "I'm yes just fell down." You said hugging him. He was taking a back. He hugged you.

That how the two of you meant really, whenever something happened he would help you any way he could. "Tamaki, guess what?" You asked holding his hand was the two of you walked to school, you were so scared and holding his hand helped both of you calm down. "W-what y/n?" He asked looking as spring came along. Butterflies moving through out the leaves. Birds making noises, with their beautiful songs, and the cherry blossoms falling. He didn't hear you talk but he watched as a blossom flew and landed on the back of your hair.

He grabbed it and you felt him. "Hey! Were you listening?" You giggled. "Huh?" He asked. "I was asking about (name). Do you think he actually likes me?" You asked him. Tamaki felt like he wanted to cry in the inside. "I t-think y-you s-should t-try." He said letting go of your hand as his friend came to talk at him. So you left continuing to walk, his friends didn't see you, tamaki knew your quirk, he wished he had it.

Time skip...

It had been a month.

Tamaki was... well let's just say jealous of your new boyfriend. You were always talking to him at lunch instead of him. Don't get him wrong he was glad you found someone who could handle your emotions. That all came to an end when you were outside his dorm room.

"Y/n! W-what's w-wrong?" He asked as you cried into his chest. "H-he c-cheated!" You cried more. He didn't know what to do but rub your back. "Y/n c-come s-sit d-down." He spoke leading you to a soft beanbag chair he had. He locked the door so no one would bother you as he tried everything he could just to help you. He walked over to the little mini fridge he had in his room and brought out your favorite snacks and a drink. He walked over sitting on the floor next to the beanbag chair and offered you what he had. Your tears soon stopped as you saw your long time best friend.

"T-thank you." You hiccuped, tears still rolling down your cheeks. He brushed them off with his thumb. "A-are y-you a-alright n-now?" He asked. You nodded looking away. You felt so bad for him, all these years you have put him through everything, going to a haunted house for Halloween, he ended up passing out. Going on a roller coaster, he also passing out, and with all your heart breaks. Every time you came running to him, he didn't know how to help you one bit, but at least he tried. You still felt bad though. You felt like you were using him as an emotional support system.

"Tamaki, I'm sorry about all of this." You hiccuped. "A-about w-what?" He asked. The tears rolled down your eye's again. "Because every time bad happens I come crying to you! I also make you do these you don't even do with Mirio!" You spat looking at him. "W-what d-do y-you m-mean? I-I'm f-fine w-with y-you g-going t-to m-me!" He yelled quietly. "I-if y-you d-didn't t-then I-i w-wouldn't k-know y-you w-were f-fine!" He continued. "F-for a-all m-my l-life s-since i-i m-met y-you all i felt was happiness, like i could do anything!" He looked down.

"W-what?" You asked shocked as to what he had said. "Y/n i-I've l-like y-you f-for y-years n-now. E-ever s-since y-you l-lended o-out y-your h-hand t-to m-me." He finally looked up all red faced. "It hurt me so much when you would date or ask someone out, then I once they broke it off it hurt me even more! Why would someone hurt the one they loved?!" He asked crying. "Tamaki..." you spoke lightly. "Why haven't you told me?" You asked him.

"B-because I-i t-thought y-you w-would h-have h-hated m-me i-if I-I t-told y-you." He spoke. He looked down, he didn't want to look at your face. It probably looked of horror. He felt a hand on his cheek. He looked at you. You had a smile on your face.

"Tamaki, why didn't you just say that? I know your shy but... Since middle school I had noticed I liked you and still do." you spoke. A tear rolled down his face, blush spreading around his whole face. "I started dating others because I thought it was something wrong with me, but after (name) I knew it had to be you, someone who is always there for me, even if it's for something stupid." both of you started tearing up.

He hugged you and you returned the hug. Smiling. "S-so d-does t-this m-mean w-were." you cut him off. "Yes silly!" you giggled. Him smiling.


With this someone had heard all of this. He clinched a love note he had in hands... His smile fading at the words he heard... But he couldn't break his best friends heart, friend code...

End of part 1

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now