Kirishima ✅

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Sorry guys but I made y/n bakugou's sister so yea hope you guys still enjoy this!

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Sorry guys but I made y/n bakugou's sister so yea hope you guys still enjoy this!

A red haired man was assigned to kill and retrieve a unicorn horn for a greedy man just to display it to his other greedy friends.

It felt weird to me, trying to hunt one done, there're pretty creatures, why do i have to kill it? What if I bring it alive, like some sort of pet? Hell nah he wouldnt take care of it! The red haired man thought to himself. He hasn't the type to kill off magical creatures, he was more of a hunter like killing deer or birds, heck or even rabbits. He didn't think he had the guts to kill something with magic.

See magic creatures helped with the natural life of animals and sometimes humans... See the thing he was supposed to get was known for creating life, it's told that the ground they walk on can make a cursed land begin to have life again.

For example there was this old tale that Kirishima was told as a kid.

After the war of the gods the land had died out, it was told that a woman with blonde hair just had walked on the died grass and once she stepped on the ground the grass and whatever was on it and became green and healthy, it was also told that she had a horse like under body it was weird but at least she healed the ground and made it where food was available.

It was said that there are more and that's what kirishima was supposed to find but that's the part there were hard to find for they could make themselves invisible.

He knew that it would take more then just a day, but the part of the forest had signs of them so let's see how much Kirishima knew about them.

"God, why I am doing this? Was it for the pay? No I don't think I am! God I'm dumb." Kirishima spoke to himself, but he was getting pay, husbandly at that, but never might that!


"Hmmmm what was that?" he spoke to himself it was loud very. That's when the bushes begins, louder and louder, something big, no, giant! Had been coming closer to him. That's when it came out of the bush, it had been a massive bear. It wasn't no ordain bear, this thing was huge. Grabbing his crossbow, he shot at this bear, but it looked like it didn't affect it. So he continued to run an run because that was now his only option. That's when he saw a cliff going up and with his momentum he couldn't stop in time, and ended up following.

As he continued to fall he kinda of excepted it, he wouldnt be forced to hurt beautiful and soft animals anymore.

As soon as he woken his eyes still shut he felt his head on something warm and fluffy and he heard a rough and angry voice.

"What the hell?! You know humans will want to kill us, so why did you help them?!" the voice spat. That's when he heard a voice that sounded softer then ever it sounded like the goddess of beauty was talking. "What he looked nice." the beautiful voice spoke, it was quite beautiful the tone made his ears want more of it.

"That's not a good excuse! How stupid are you?!" the angry voice spoke. "Katsuki please just this once?" the lovely voice spoke. "Ugh fine but just with once." the person he thinks is Katsuki spoke, but human? What did they mean by that aren't they human.

That's when kirishima opened his eyes, he was meant with ummm a face towards his the person just stare down at him. "Ahhhhh!" kirishima scared and ended up off the girls lap. "Shhhhh!" she hushed him so he didn't make much noise. That's when he looked down at where he had his head, from the waist down the girl had the body of a house and her head in the middle of the upper forehead had a unicorn horn.

"What the hell is going on!" the angry voice said from behind, kirishima whipped his head around to see a boy that looked like the girl horn in the same place but his legs were weird somewhere in between his knee and foot, looked like a horse hooves. When he saw it he ended up passing out...

God I really have to stop passing out. Kirishima told himself when he awoke. When he woke he was in a house of some sort, it looked like a normal house but there were no wall separating the kitchen from the bedroom, like his, and there was no bathroom inside the house.

"Hey cutie." said the same soft spoken voice. "Ahhhhh!" kirishima had sacred. "hey hey, please don't pass out again!" the light voice spoke. "Ok ok right let me clam down." he huffed. "Well then that's your name?" the girl asked. "Kirishima, and your?" kirishima spoke. "My name is y/n Bakugo and my brother is Katsuki Bakugo." y/n spoke

"That's a lovely name." kirishima spoke to y/n. "Hmmm well I could say the same to you but not just your name." kirishima was flustered, was with half-unicorn and half-human y/n flirting with him. Well yes she was, she thought he was good look and cute at that.

"Sorry to ask if this is rude to ask but what are you?" kirishima asked. "Well it's quite hard. Our parents are the same as us I guess but I'm the outcast, my body doesn't look like Katsuki or our parents." she spoke a little, she sounded sad. "But they still love me as much as Katsuki!" her tone changed into happy tone.

"So wait ummm where's bakugou and your parents?"  kirishima asked. "Katsuki went to get food." y/n spoke.

Kirishima was smitten for sure!

"Get your fucking ass away from my sister!" kirishima heard Bakugou. It had been a week with them and both y/n and kirishima had started dating, they knew that they only just met but it felt like they were meant to be. "Katsuki he's fine!" y/n giggled as she was making kirishima and katsuki a flower crown.

"Still!" bakugou barked then continued. "Next thing we know you two are going to have kids!" he huffed out. "Katsuki!" y/n yelled her face was blushing like a tomato.

Continued one shots.    Bnha x reader/mha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now