2- Lonely

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The boy groaned as soon as the sunlight fall into his face and kissed his ethereal features.

He pulled the blanket over and covered his face with it not wanting to wake up at this time of the day.

"Gyu wake up, it's time to go to school and start a new day at your new school"

He smiled in his sleep as he heard the voice, he knows the voice just like the back of his hands.

He kicked the blanket away and opened his eyes only for his smile to fade away and change to an angry glare.

"Young master wake up it's time for you to eat breakfast and go to your new school" the maid said with her annoying smile.

"Get out of my room" he shouted at the maid and pulled his blanket over his face again but this time he couldn't sleep.

He looked from the small hole in his blanket and didn't see the maid next to his bed,

Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes and they did but he wiped them quickly with his hand and got up from the bed, leaving it messy.

He turned the shower on and let the cold water run through his body, he knew he should stop thinking about him but......

He could not

He couldn't stop thinking about the way he used to run his fingers in his hair and brush them gently,

He couldn't stop thinking about how soft his voice sounded when he called his name,

He made him feel loved and cared about but then everything changed.

He didn't wake him in the morning, he didn't eat breakfast with him, he didn't hug him when he needed it,

he was gone.

He learned to not trust anyone and put on his playboy mask and make people feel loved and then leave them.

He is not the same soft boy anymore, he will make sure people pay for what they did to him.

He got out of the shower and used a towel to dry his body and then dressed into his new school uniform.

As he walked out of his room he saw the maid downstairs so he asked

"Are mom and dad home?"

"No they are in the company and they also left you a note"

She said and handed the paper to the boy.

Don't make any trouble in your new school, anyways have a good day
- mom and dad

'Mom and dad my ass, you can't play with me like you did with him.'

He thinks to himself and throws the paper in the trash can.

"Here is your breakfast" one of the maids approach him with a tray of fruits and a sandwich.

"I'm not hungry" he says with his poker face and pushes the maid away from himself.

He gets into his car and drives away from the place that he hates the most, but he doesn't go to school,

Instead he changes his way and goes to the near by convenience store.

"How much is this?" He asks as he puts a pack of cigar on the counter.

"I'm sorry but you are underage you can't buy this" the women apologies with a soft tone.

"I don't remember asking you if I can buy it or not?" He throws a question at her and puts the money on the counter before exiting the store.

"Ugh kids these days, they don't care about their health and wellbeing" she says and shakes her head.

He gets into the car and takes a cigar out of the box and puts it between his lips, lighting it with a lighter.

He takes the cigar out of his mouth and lets the smoke out of his mouth.

He does it a few more time until the cigar is finished and only the ash is left so he throws it out of the car.

The boy isn't a heavy smoker he only does it when he needs it and it's everyday, his mom and dad don't know.

They don't know nothing about him so it doesn't surprise him to know that they don't know about his smoking habit.

Before starting the car he puts on a song of his favorite rock band, it makes him calm even though the singers are screaming and the sound of the guitar makes it louder, but it's okey for him.

Beside smoking, listening to music also helps him feel like home even though he doesn't look like someone who uses music to escape from the world.

As he starts driving he also sings with the song and let's the cold wind kiss his face.

No one ever taught him how to fight with his fears and problems so here he is now escaping from all of them.

People always say that he looks stress free and that he doesn't have any problems because he has it all, the face and the money.

He can easily solve his problems with money or his charms but he can't solve his real problems.

The fact that he is lonely deep down, even though he has lots of friends and people who love him.

He knows non of them are his real friends except for Choi Yeonjun, Lee Minho and Han Jisung

He knows they are the real ones because they truly care for him and love him and they never leave him in his worst.

Also they are not friends with him for money, because all three of them are rich asses.

He loves them more than his family, well not more than a certain one but still he loves them with his whole heart.

This boy here is Choi Beomgyu

The son of a rich CEO, the friend of a bunch of crackheads, the future heir of the Choi company and lastly a human.


I finally come back from dead hope you enjoyed this depressing chapter

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