7- Friends?

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Art credit to: hyunshhii on Twitter


The students started packing their things up and dashing out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang and it was finally time for lunch.

Taehyun packed his stuff calmly and as he was about to head to the cafeteria, a hand stopped him by simply just grabbing his wrist.

'Ugh' he groaned I'm his mind as he turned back ready to give his deadly and cold stare to who ever dared to step into his comfort zone and literally hold his fucking wrist.

"Ya-" he shut his mouth as he saw a boy slightly taller than him standing next to him, and to be honest Taehyun didn't expect to see him even one bit.

"Let's go for lunch, I'm hungry" the boy said as he started walking towards the cafeteria.

"H- heeseung hyung, what are you doing?" Taehyun asked as he took his hand out of Heeseung's grasp.

"Come on, I don't have any friends by now so you are my prey for now" Heeseung answered with a slight grin on his face.

"We are not even friends"

"Wow, that hurt my feelings, now if you are done talking let's go" Heeseung said once again and dragged Taehyun with him again.

Taehyun sighed as he knew this is a losing game for him and now he has to follow Heeseung- the boy he just met last night - to the cafeteria and eat together.

As they arrived in the cafeteria, Heeseung looked around for an empty seat and-

"There you are '' Heeseung and Taehyun heard a voice so they looked back and much to their surprise they saw Beomgyu.

"Heeseung I was looking for you, ooh we have a guest?" Beomgyu asked as he observed Taehyun from top to bottom.

"Yeah, Taehyun is the only person besides you that I know in the school so why don't we three sit together?" Heeseung suggested not knowing about the beef between the two other boys.

"I don't think I wanna sit with him" Taehyun was quick to answer.

"Neither do I, but you don't want to make your Heeseung hyung sad right?" Beomgyu asked and put his arm around Taehyun's shoulder who smacked his arm.

"Come on let's go get something" Heeseung held Taehyun's hand once again.

"Stop" Taehyun yelled not so loud as he freed his hand from Heeseung's. "Taehyun-"

"Stop, stop acting as if we are close, stop trying to befriending me, stop all of this and just pretend like you don't know me" he said but this time with a much more quiet voice.

He stormed out if the cafeteria and didn't look behind him,

"What's wrong with him?" Beomgyu said.

"I don't know, maybe I made him uncomfortable. '' Heeseung looked down but then smiled a little as Beomgyu put his hand around his shoulder and led him towards his friend's lunch table.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why don't you act like I don't exist like others?" Taehyun talked to the wall in front of him as if he was talking to the actual Heeseung.

He knew that what he did was very childish and dramatic but what can he do? It was all new for him. He has never had any other friends other than his Jin hyung and not even his own family acted this friendly and close to him.

"I should apologize to him today" he said to himself as he got up from the ground and went back to the cafeteria.

But then he stopped as he saw heeseung on the lunch table with Beomgyu and his other three friends, talking and laughing so casually as if they knew each other all their life.

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