29- Our Night's Ending

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Heeseung looked up at the sky, watching as snow fell down one by one, painting the streets in a beautiful white color. Even though white isn't a color that looks pretty alone, it still manages to paint its canvas fetching during winter.

With his hands shoved deeply inside his pockets, he walked to the convenient store.

His phone then started buzzing in his pocket, taking it out with a sigh, he saw the contact.


The two had gotten closer ever since the day Sunghoon came to his school. At first, the boy was timid and didn't talk to anyone, but slowly, he began opening up. And now the same timid boy is waiting for him to come and pick him up for their hang out.

A smile appeared on his lips as he swiped the call button and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, when are you gonna be back? It's freezing outside" Sunghoon jokes, but Heeseung still managed to hear the shiver in his tone.

"I'm near the store, wait a bit, please"

"Also, buy me ice cream too, it tastes better in the cold-"

Sunghoon continued talking, but Heeseung's attention was on something else. His hand fell by his side, and Sunghoon's words got muffled along the wind.

He watched as a boy slumped on the snow covered ground, crying. His cries were so loud and painful, Heeseung could almost feel the pain in his heart.


"Hello? Hyung, are you there?"

"Can you hear me? Hey! You are scaring-"

This time, he didn't let Sunghoon finish. He shut down his phone and raced towards the boy.

"Taehyun!" he called for the boy once he was a bit closer to him, but Taehyun didn't look back, he might not even have heard him.

Now that he was closer to Taehyun, he could hear his painful cries perfectly.

The latter cried as if his world had crushed down on him.

Taehyun looked fragile, just like a thin piece of glass that could shatter anytime. He looked so fragile, Heeseung was scared to touch him, scared that he would be cut by the sharp pieces of broken glass inside Taehyun.

The memories of Taehyun rejecting him and asking him to never think about him again rushed back to his mind. The flower that resembled his pain, once again rose, bringing back the pain and hatred.

As much as he wanted to leave him alone and watch him suffer in pain and agony, he still couldn't bear the sight of Taehyun's sadness.

So he walked slowly to where the latter was sitting, this time Taehyun's cries had gone away with the wind and now only the sound of his sobs could be heard.

Taehyun sensed someone getting closer to him, he looked back and was shocked to see Heeseung, the boy whom he had hurt.

"Hyung..." he called, his voice hoarse.

"Taehyunie, why are you here all alone?"

Seeing Heeseung made him cry once again, but this time he tried to hide it with a faux smile, but who in their right mind would believe that?

Heeseung decided that it was best to just stay quiet and provide a warm hug to Taehyun's cold body.

He opened his arms widely, not wanting to make Taehyun uncomfortable by hugging him out of nowhere and without any permission.

"Do you want me to take you to your house? It's cold outside, Taehyun-ah" he said with a comforting smile on his face.

Without saying any words, Taehyun stood up, standing in the same position for a few seconds to gain balance.

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