Taehyun's mind has been all over the place, he can't seem to come to terms with himself and it's bothering him slowly, everything has happened so quickly and he is confused more than ever.
Firstly, it was Beomgyu being attacked all of a sudden and for no reason by some random dude he has never seen and he is sure Beomgyu hasn't seen either.
And now, it was Mr.Kang's sudden disappearance and his conversation with whom he believes to be Mr.Hwang.
Yeonjun has also been calling him nowadays asking him about all the things he saw that day and about the person who attacked Beomgyu, the older is showing protectiveness towards his younger friend.
"What ya thinking about there, young Kang? Stop bothering that little head of yours with big thoughts"
He looked up from the ground and saw Seojun - one of his roommates- with a can of beer in his hands.
"Nothing, hyung. Just wondering about the things that have happened recently in my life" he answered and moved to the end of the couch, making some pace for Seo-jun.
"Mind sharing some of those thoughts with me, then? I heard it helps you feel better when you share your burdens with others"
Taehyun let out a chuckle and looked at Seo-jun who was now drinking the beer. Seo-jun was nothing like the other guys, he was younger than all of them but older than Taehyun, and sometimes the two talk to each other and laugh their pains away.
"You are the closest to Mr.Kang right? He hasn't been home for a week and it's worrying me, I have a lot to ask him but he is nowhere to be seen, heck he even doesn't his phone"
Seo-jun sighed and offered Taehyun another can of beer, to which the younger boy gladly accepted.
Isn't it ironic how the boy who was arguing about his young age and refusing to drink alcohol is now glady taking them from a stranger? Well, it's to be expected after all, our lives are full of sudden events and irony.
"Mr.Kang is a truly good man, Taehyun but he hasn't always done the best things in his life, you know? He has a past which you might like to know and that past is also the reason why he chose to do some bad things" Seo-jun started and took another sip of the beer, Taehyun following after him.
"I have never heard him talk about his family, do you think he is so quiet because he doesn't have one? Or it might be because he doesn't want one" Taehyun said.
Looking out the window in front of the couch was boring but he still looked at it, the sky was dark but you could still see the sun shining a bit, Taehyun wonders how Beomgyu is feeling now, does he know he was the one who saved him? Does he hate him for not visiting Beomgyu?
"He has a family, but he has left them, not that he wished to, it was more like he had to. That's something you should ask him himself, maybe he needs someone to talk to and you are the best choice"
Taehyun hummed.
The two continued talking and soon their conversation turned to their love life.
"Have you ever kissed someone, Taehyun?"
"I have actually kissed a boy whom I used to like"
"Well, are you two together?"
"No, I realized my feelings were just a crush, our kiss was more like a goodbye kiss, but I still liked it, even though it was heartbreaking to see him cry while hugging me"
The room felt silent after that, Taehyun was expecting Seo-jun to change the topic and talk about something else, but he didn't talk.
The silence was soon broken by the sound of doors opening, the two looked up and saw Mr.Kang.

Swan's Love-TaeGyu ☘︎
Fanfiction"I'm scared" He replied, his tone shaky and worried. "Scared of what" Taehyun asked, holding Beomgyu's hand and assuring him that he is there for him. "Scared of the day you will turn into ashes and fly away, while I can do nothing but sit there an...