chapter 58

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Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in forever , there is just a lot of new (good) changed and I haven't had time . Thank you to the people have actually read up to this part . Valeria and I have been writing this for I think a year now and we are toward the end so again , thanks a lot !
*itzels p.o.v*
"Are you not liking this ?" Zayn said removing his mouth from my neck . "No - no baby - it's just I have ALOT on my mind " I said with a sincere smile .
"Thank you for the effort though " I said cupping his cheeks and giving him a kiss . Ever since Valeria's party, Zayn has been somewhat distant with me . I understand that he was recording and writing new stuff and that it's stressful but still - I just brushed it off . Ever since I told him I had a week long business trip in the States , he sort has been kissing ass . His attitude had a whole 360. He wanted to cook , clean , always reminded me how much he loves me and so on . Maybe this was his way of apologizing for his earlier attitude with me .
*zayns p.o.v*
"Do you have stress you need to release ? I can always help with that-" I started as I held her body close to mine and smirked . She laughed .
"Nah it's okay , I'll pass . I have to start getting ready Zayn " she said trying to get out of my grasps . I lowered my mouth back to her sweet spot on her neck and sucked a little rough.
"Zayn you're gonna give me a big hickey " she screamed amused .
"That's my intention " I said pressing my lips down her chest . She grabbed my face and brought it up back to hers with a smirk on her face .
"And why might those intentions be occurring ?" She said laughing. I leaned in and kisses her .
"So everyone knows , that this sexy little piece of women is mine " I said as she started laughing . She again tried getting out of my grasp but this time succeeded. I groaned in annoyance .
"Babyyy " I whined
"Zayn it's only a couple of days " she said leaving the room into Alex's room .
I lazily got up and followed along . A smile was brought to my face when I saw my two baby's .
"I miss you so much " she said holding tightly to Alex while he gave her kisses .
"Like you said , it's only a week" I said entering giving her a kiss .
"You're right " she said giving me a smile .
"As much as I hate to say it, you have to start getting ready " I said with a sad face . She handed Alex to me while she started running around to get ready .
After I fed , bathed and got Alex and I ready Itzel finally had finished . She stepped downstairs with her suit case and bags in hand . She was wearing a black and white stripped peplum shirt, a pair of black ripped jeans and wedges . A gold spiked necklace adorned her neck and a gold Michael kids watch on her wrist . Her black ray bans (matching mine) on top her curled hair , and her make-up was a classic wing with a red lip . I lived when she wore red lipstick because it just made her look even more attractive if that was possible . She got closer to me and I noticed she had fake eyelashes on .
"Trying to impress someone ?" I asked referring to the lashes .
"More like promoting someone" she said laughing . She spun on her heel and I whistled . She smiled showing her white teeth and I could tell I was smiling ear to ear .
*three hours later *
*itzels p.o.v*
Zayn , Alex and I said our goodbyes a while ago and I already had a couple hours flying . I had six more hours to go so I figured I might as well get some work done . When I finished with my work , I decided I was going to retouch my makeup and change my shirt and pants . I sat in first class and I got up to go the bathroom to change . I could feel people staring but I continued my path . The stall was small so I had to make use of what I had . I changed into a tight red dress with a black blazer . I left my jewelry the same as well as my shoes . I fixed my eyelashes, foundation, eyeliner and lipstick all in under 10 minutes . My hair still looked good so I just flipped it over to give it some volume . As I was leaving the stall I heard a flight attendant announce to buckle up for landing. My heart dropped and I practically ran to my seat with heels .
"Impressive " a man next to me said as he saw me get into my seat .
"What? " I asked confused .
"Never seen anyone run that fast with heels on" he said amused .
"Well I didn't feel like DIEING today " I said laughing , making him laugh as well. This man looked so familiar .
"You are amusing, beautiful , and have a sense in makeup . I like you darling . What's your name ?" He said making me blush .
"Itzel Go- Malik" I said looking down at my ring.
"As in Zayn Malik ?" He said surprised and I smiled and nodded .
"Mr. Testino- sorry for interrupting , but here's your whiskey " a flight attendant interrupted . Then it clicked . This was the legendary Mario Testino. He was an amazing photographer and worked with so many amazing celebrities dealing with fashion . I was mentally freaking out .
"No worries - now where were we " he said talking to me again .
"I knew I recognized you! You're Mario Testino ! I love your work !" I said excited . He smiled .
"The one and only, and thank you" he smiled.
"I used to always look at your pictures from Fashion week to inspire my wardrobe . Who would've known that little old me would be doing makeup for it now " I laughed .
"You're going too!? I'm obviously gonna be taking photography ." He said . I gave him a thumbs up and laughed .
"It's going to be an honor working with you sir " I said shaking his hand .
"Like wise Mrs.malik " he said helping me get off the plane . I was greeted to flashing lights and people calling my name . I put my sunglasses on and kept walking toward the exit . I had someone waiting for me by the door and I could see her already . She was set up to work with me and help me get around and stuff .
"Hello" I greeted .
"Hi ,my name is Chelsea. I'll be helping you this whole week . I already got your bags " she said .
"Well thank you Hun " I smiled .
"We should get going . Those men are look like they wanna attack you . " she joked . I already grew fond of her as we made way towards her car .
*days later *
So far , fashion week has been a total success and I've been getting close to Chelsea and Mario . They were both genuinely great people . I sat at a table with an interviewer and my models by my side . My posture was better than it has ever been in this moment .
"We're back with fashion week's phenomenal make up artist Itzel " the interviewer , Cindy , said . I smiled at the camera .
"It's honor to be here " I said sheepishly .
"You deserve to be here , I mean c'mon can we get a close up on her models please" Cindy said making me feel proud of my work .
"How did you become to talented " she asked.
"Well - in all honestly , I was somewhat self taught . I went to the regular classes one must go to , to become certified but other than that . It's all me " I said as Cindy and I laughed .
"That's so so so awesome . Do you have any secrets on how you make your models so gorgeous.? " she asked .
"Well I see makeup as a self - confidence booster . One shouldn't over-do it , but bring one's natural beauty out . I talk to my clients about any insecurities they might have and I try to do things to hide those, or make them into something their proud to have . The makeup isn't really a whole thing that make these models gorgeous , it also deals with their confidence as well " I said ending my sermon .
"Well I'm going to have to book you myself . " she said making me laugh.
"You guys , she's gorgeous , humble , and a great person over-all . I wanna just wrap you up and take you home " Cindy said making me laugh .
"Thank you" I responded .
"Now I know why that husband of yours is crazy about you." She said making me think of Zayn .
"Thank you- in all honesty , I'm lucky to have met him" I said .
"Can we see the ring!?" She said freaking out . I smiled and put my hand out .
"That's gorgeous !" She said examining her hand herself .
"Like I said I'm very lucky to have him as a -" I started .
"I'm so sorry to interrupt Itzel . But we have some breaking news regarding your fiancée ." She said surprising me .
"Yes - I- yes - oh my god " she said hiding to her earpiece as she was listening to her management .
"This just in - Zayn Malik, your fiancée . And Harry styles' fiancée, Valeria, have been caught kissing!" She said . My jaw dropped what .
"We will be right back folks with the picture ." Cindy said. I knew we were live and my expression probably looked horrible but I was in complete and utter disbelief . We were cut off air and Cindy was given a photograph .
"Oh my - that - this doesn't look good " she said looking at the picture while taking to herself .
"Itzel - how does this make you feel ?" She said handing me the picture .I looked down at the picture . We were on live again . I don't know who I was pissed at more . Cindy who I was actually starting to like , or Zayn for betraying me a second time . I felt the tear at the brim of my eyes . I couldn't believe this . My Zayn was with Valeria again . He had broken my heart yet again . I realized I was crying when Cindy put her hand on my back to soothe me . I stopped my crying and got up . Now I was just pissed . I crumpled the paper in my hand and threw it on the floor as I stormed away from the picture that showed publicly that Zayn didn't love me .Not this shit , again. I silently cursed myself for letting him into my life again . Like the dumbass I am , I am head over heels for him . But if he wanted to betray me and his son , that would be fine because this time was different . He must be fucked up in the head if he thinks things will be the same. Oh no it fucking won't.

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