chapter 65

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This chapter is basically the same as the previous one just in Itzel's POV.
Itzel's p.o.v
I outstretched my arm and stood on my tippy toes as I quietly tried reaching for the marshmallows. I seriously couldn't reach .
"Here I got ya babe" Liam quietly whispered trying to not wake Zayn up . We had just gotten back from the hospital and I really don't feel Ike talking to him . Currently at Harry's , Louis was starting up the fire .
"C'mon" Liam said waking me out of my daydream . We slowly exited the house and ran into the back yard .
"Took you two long enough " Niall said with a little bit of sass . I laughed as I watched Niall get frustrated because Liam didn't give him the marshmallows. It feels so good to finally be able to enjoy myself at least a little after all the shit I've been through . We headed back outside , Louis was turning trying to light the fire , his sweater catching on fire. Rolling my eyes , as he attempted again and successfully turned it on.
"You're an idiot ," Niall rubbed his temples shaking his head. Louis rubbed his hands , as if nothing happend and did it again. " Idiot I tell you ", Niall spoke watching Louis.
" I mean you kind of saw it coming ", I laughed , as Liam gave me a stick to put the marshmallow on.
"Stupid ", Valeria said bluntly. Louis glared at her . He's such an idiot.
" shut up or I'll burn you ", he threatened, Valeria. Valeria chuckled , as Harry pulled her into his chest. My heart somewhat hurt at the sight. The thought of just not being with Zayn anymore hurts.
" Do it , do it ",Valeria chanted.
" Excuse me ", Harry snickered at Louis.
" Shut up or I'll burn both of you ", Louis pointed at them , I rolled my eyes. Looking away.

" Someone's a little moody ", I retorted . As I looked back at Louis .
"He must be on period " Liam said making me chuckle.

" Never thought I was a girl " Louis said hurt .
" you act like it that's why !" , I laughed as I put the marshmallow over the fire.
>" No ", he stated annoyed.
" You clearly do ",Liam points to Louis postion. Louis takes his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. Shaking his head , " I have a heavy woman influence ", he said looking at me and Valeria. There's only two girls here . Fuck face.
" two against 4", I said shrugging . Trying not to laugh.
" You guys suck ", he gave up. And sat down.
Everyone laughed.
" Make the damn marshmellows yourself." Louis crossed his arms against his chest.
" I was planning to in the first place", Niall sarcasm filling his voice.
" Then you fucked up ", Harry's chest rumbled in laughter as Louis looked up at the sky ignoring Harry's comment.
Liam took one of the marshmallows and put it in the fire and the whole thing literally was covered in flames. I laughed at him as he jumped back. The red and orange flames lighting up the deck . It was a beautiful day.
" How are you feeling ?", Liam questioned shoving one of his hands in his pockets. I shrugged , I don't feel a thing . I feel numb , and I don't care about anything .
" I'm fine ", I lied.
I heard him sigh , as he placed his hand on my shoulder ,

"You think I don't know- You're lying but I'm here for you , you know that right ? ", he questioned while he smiled his brown eyes illuminated by the fire. I gave him a small smile , nodding. At least I have them to help me out. I don't know what to do anymore. Don't get me wrong I feel bad as fuck for Zayn , because he didn't - Actually he did deserve it. On the otherhand , Valeria didn't. Yeah , I know I've taken loads of shit for her but in the end she's more like a sister to me . Louis interuptted my thoughts.
" Valerie , did I tell you I love you ", he spoke through a devilish grin plastered on his face. He looked at Valeria. what the hell is he planning now ?
she looked him weird raising an eyebrow at him , "That's not my name , what do you want asshole ".
He stood up walking over to Harry and he. He looked behind at Harry , and unwrapped his arms from around her.
I don't know what he said , but Valeria yelped as Louis picked her up . " Louis . Put me down ", she squirmmee in his arms.
He walked over to the fire , and shw clung onto him .

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