Chapter 3

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Harry's Pov

"Harry, I want food !" , Niall yelled. Which caused me to laugh."Niall your always hungry !!" , I yelled back. "Guys I lost my mirror",Zayn said coming downstairs. These guys have serious problems but I still love them. Mental facepalm. "NO! Get away with that spoon, Louis !", Liam said. All the boys looked at Louis & Liam , we started laughing. I got up from the couch and walked over to Louis. Liam was currently in the corner hiding. I chuckled. Louis then said " BOOBEAR , LIAM SAID HE DOSENT LOVE ME" , Liam , " Did Not !" . Louis reponded" Everyone loves the Swagmasta from Doncasta" , he said sassily waving the spoon. You see Liam has a VERY strange fear of spoons and well he gets very scared and well Lou's not helping. "Fine, Okay. . . iloveyoutolouis",liam spoke fastly. Whata hell did he just say? Then Louis out of no where dropped the spoon and tackled Liam. Liam was trying to get Louis off but he wouldnt move. Wierdos. "You guys-, Whata hell are you two doing ?", Paul said while walking in. I then said " Well... Liam said he didnt love Louis , and Louis got a spoon and scared Liam and Liam said something that I couldnt understand and so Louis just tackled him". Paul looked at me all crazy. " You guys stop you have an interview today and you will be late if you dont go," Paul said. "Fine, " Louis said getting off Liam. Liam then said "I will kill you Louis. " Louis just walked away.


I know it's short but I'll update later ! (:

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