chapter 72

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Harry's POV
We flew to America , and started the On the Road Again Tour right away , the crowd was amazing as always . It felt good to be back , I was missing my two girls though. I constantly call them , whenever I'm free. Right now were doing soundcheck , everyone running around making sure the stage , lights , and everything was functioning properly. It felt odd , and strange not to have Zayn we he was the one who had a really strong voice . He made the group better, but with his decisions he did what he wanted and now all we can do is support him. As we sound checked , What Makes You Beautiful . Which was the last song , and we could have some free time. I really wanted to face time , Valeria and see what she's up to.
Finishing my verse , Liam took Zayns part. Louis , and Niall doing random dance moves. And messing around , typical. However , I didn't really feel like it , I just wanted to call my girls and see how their doing. As we sang the chorus , and the song came to an end. I took my phone out my back pocket , unlocking it and going to face time. I looked up and found Simon , coming from backstage . My heart started to beat a bit irregularly as I saw him approach me , " Hello , Harry ", he smiled giving me his hand to shake which I gladly took. I gave him a small smile , " Hello ", I greeted back.
" How have you been ?", he asked crossing his arms . Noticing the papers he had in his hands.
" I've been good ", I replied shoving my phone back in my pocket.
" That's good to hear , and Darcy how's she ?", he's never this personal. But I replied.
" She's doing good too ", my heart ached I wanted to go see them .
" We need to talk , once you guys are done please meet me backstage ", he demanded , I felt my mouth get dry as I nodded. He turned around and walked away , I turned my attention to the boys . I walked to them right away.
" Simon uh needs us ", I spoke uneasily scratching the back of my neck.
" Do you think he knows ?", Liam questioned opening up his water bottle. I fucking hope not.
" Something's telling me he does ", I replied the words tasted of venom as they slipped out my mouth. He's not a bad man , but dear god I wonder what he'll make me do.
" Let's hope he doesn't , come on let's go ", Liam gave me a soft smile patting my back. We walked to the back , Simon sitting on the couch reviewing papers .
" Hey ", Niall greeted , Simon looked up and stood up with a stern look on his face.
" How are you boys ", his voice montone.
" Great ", Louis patted my back as he stood beside me.
He looked between me and the boys , then down at the papers , looking at it. I felt my hands sweat , my heart began to pound against my chest.
" How was the wedding ?", his voice had no emotion. I gulped ,
" What wedding ?", Louis chuckled.
Simon looked up , raising his eyebrow " That's not a very good response , I am ashamed that I wasn't invited , Harry ", he looked at me. I couldn't speak , words couldn't escape my mouth.
"He didn't get married ", Louis voice low my mouth drying at the fact he said that.

"I feel personally offended that you guys think I'm THAT stupid . I mean for Christ sake , Harry if you're gonna lie , at least take off your ring", his eyes darted to my ring on my left hand.
"He always wears rings ? ", Louis laughs. I clear my throat , he can't fucking know.
" Look , I'm not here to be filled with bullshit - look ", he takes out files from the envelope. Showing it to me , it was my signature and Valeria's from the day we got married. I swallowed , as a lump began to form in my throat.
I let out a deep breathe looking up at him and meeting his eyes.
" I'm very disappointed in you , Harry. You know what you need to do , the contract states that I own you . You need permission with these sorts of things. And really you think that having this party lowkey will not get spread all over ? Think again , buddy because you're in a successful band and let me tell you - modest is not happy. "
" You can't control him all the time , Simon ", Louis defensively spoke.
" Ah, ah , I can't but under contract I can -you guys know this you know you need to ask me for permission. You damn well do ." He slid the papers back in the envelope.
" Harry say something ", he continued. I had to fucking clue what to say. I just wanted to run , and get away .
" Very well , Harry follow me we have to discuss somethings in private ", he gave the boys a fake smile before ushering me to follow him. I sighed , rubbing my temples and following him.
Walking through the hallway , to my sides the dressing rooms. Of all of us. He stopped in the middle of it. Turning to face me.
" Everyone seems to be doing there own thing , so lets just talk here ", he began. I didn't reply , I just watched him. He cautiously chose his words , when speaking.
" I know , Harry how much you care for and love Valeria. . . but what you did was wrong . I could get fired in an instant , luckily nothing has spread quickly however it will. . . "
I licked my lips , gulping.
" .... Valeria , as much as I hate to admit has caused us - you many problems " . Yeah , I get it but at the end of the day I'm dealing with them not you .
" So ?", I glared.
" Harry , we all want things we can't have so I'm making you a deal . "
" And that is ?", I pushed my hair back. Standing up straight.
" I will let you stay with Valeria for a while however , you will need to start getting divorce papers . And make her believe that , you lost interest in her ", my arms began to fill with goosebumps. My stare hardened , as he continued.
" Then , since I'm assuming you want Darcy to be with you , you can take full custody of her ", he crossed his arms against his chest.
" You're fucking crazy ", I spat.
" How the fuck do you expect me to do that ?!", I yelled making him step back.
" I'm not fucking doing it , I'd rather die than do that ", I spoke through grittend teeth. I was so mad I was shaking.
" This could cost the band , and may I add your mates ", he threatened.
I heavily breathed , pinching the bridge of my nose .
" You have three years , Harry. Just three years left under contract. After, that you can run back to her and live happily ever after ", my heart thumped against my chest , my head began to hurt. I can't fucking do this.
" Simon , please ", I'm a fucking pussy but I can't.
" Don't make me do this , " I whispered looking in his eyes to find any sense of guiltness- but there was none.
" My apologies , Harry . Make the most out of the time you have with her ". With that he turned and walked away. I felt an ache in my chest , he can't be fucking serious. He really can't. I looked around , my eyes watering at the thought . I fucking hate him. I really do.

The day went by in a blur , I felt pain. I felt guilty , just thinking about it. The show tonight went really well , at least it distracted me for a bit. But I had to face reality , and I don't know how I'm going to do this. The show ended , and now were in the hotel. It was late and I grabbed a bottle of vodka that was brought in my room service.
" Harry , you hardly drink ", Louis came out of no where .
I shrugged , " Oops " , grabbing a shot glass and pouring it in the glass.
Instantly bringing the cup to my lips , the scent making me almost want to gag. Yet I gulped it down , as it burned my throat.
" Ah ", I made a really ugly face as the taste went away. Squinting.
" Mate , I hate to see you like this ", Louis said approaching me well tried taking the bottle away. I immediately grabbed it.
" Louis ".
" Harry, I'm serious how about we go to the gym instead ? You're killing yourself man ", he pried the bottle from my hands.
" I'm already dead , as soon as she fucking finds out she's going to be gone ", I reached for it again. Louis stopping me ,he stayed quiet.
I sighed , rubbing my temples.
" You're not going to take the kids away from her , will you ?
I looked at him gripping the counter , my knuckles turning white.
" Absolutely not ".
" But didn't Simon say he was going to prohibit you ?"
" I don't know , but I fucking refuse to leave Valeria ", I felt the ache in my chest again.
" Let's hope things get better and get arranged now you ready for a little boxing match ?"
My lips instantly curving up in a smirk , " Tomlinson , you'll be on the floor in seconds I don't think you want to "
He had an amused look on his face ,
" How much you want to bet ?"
" If I win you let me drink that bottle of vodka ", I glanced at the bottle , then back at him. He looked shocked , as he debated whether or not he agreed.
" Fine . If I win , you have to let Lou braid your hair ", he grinned.
I rolled my eyes , I don't like touching my hair. It doesn't affect me. However , Unless its Valeria , and she's under me.
" I guess , let me just go change ", I ran a hand through my hair. He nodded , as I jogged up to the room. Rumaging through my suitcase. Finding a black shirt , and basketball shorts. Taking off the white shirt , it reeked of alcohol. I didn't think I drank that much , I'm still pretty conscious. Throwing it somewhere , then putting the other one on. Taking my boots off , I took my jeans off too. Sliding the shorts on my legs. Grabbing my gray free runs , I put them on. Looking for a hair tie to keep my hair out my face I put my hair up in a bun.

Now let's let loose .


" I fucking won ! ", I yell with a smirk plastered on my face. Walking straight into the kitchen where I left the bottle at.
" Harry ", Louis warns , approaching me.
I grab it , and wink at him before going to my room and locking the door.
" Harry , open the door ", Louis says through the door.
" Nope ," I take the cap off and bring it my lips. Drinking it as is burns down my throat. Im a fucking prick. All while we were boxing , I got angry at the fact that I could loose Valeria. I can't fucking believe I'm doing this. I'm going to hurt her , hell I won't ever see her again. I take my sweaty shirt off throwing it somewhere in the room , sitting on the floor . My head in my hands , I'm such an asshole.
I'm in too deep , I just fucking can't. Taking the bottle again, taking another drink. I feel it taking in its affect.
And that's when it starts to hit me hard. I won't be able to see her beautiful smile . Her brown eyes glistening , whenever she sees me. She honestly has stars in her eyes. Her fucking smile , that makes my insides melt. I love the feeling her in my arms , she so warm. I love teasing her , and making her laugh. I love it how she says my name , I'm absoultely infatuated with her. That I can't bare to loose her again. Most of all I won't be able to kiss her , soft pink lips. I won't be able to touch her soft , creme colored skin. I won't be able to hear her moan my name , and that's when I realize that I haven't touched her and its making me shake my head in anger. Because I'm supposed to be with her , if you would've asked me when I was sixteen that I was going to have my life controlled - by being famous I would've said no. I would've been with her. I still , pick her over anything. I just can never get my way with Simon. Ever.

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