Chapter 31

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A/N HAVE YOU GUYSS SEEEEN STORY OF MY LIFE ? I CANT FUNCTION PROPERLY . ITS SOOOOOOO ADORABLE . ANNE MY FUTURE MOTHER IN LAW <3 I LOVE THIS VIDEO SOOOOO MUCH . WATCH IT WATCH IT . I SWARE THESE BOYS WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME. HELP. NOW .1D day is almost herrrrree ... but im pisseddd ! there is a field trip the same exact day ! uuuuuuugggh . FUCK IT . 1d day all the way . now question , How do you hold pee in for 7 hours ? cx lololol serious question. MIDDDNIGGHT MEMORIES IS PREOOOORDERED I SWARE TO GOD IM GONNA DIE ! LOLOLOL  k . im done .heres the storrryyyc : BTW SEXUAL CONTINENT . c; jkjkjk Their is . . .

Valeria's Pov

" Come on " , Harry said. I nodded , and smiled. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. We began walking to the elevator , I hate elevators. I've always felt as if the elevator would stop.

I still shrugged it off , and we the doors opened and we got in. I let go of Harry's hand , and asked " What floor ? ". He smiled , " Pent House ". My mouth dropped , " W-what ? " , I stuttered.

He laughed , " Babe , I'm in One Direction", he said .

I rolled my eyes , " Yeah , & I'm from Africa " , I said sarcastically.

He laughed , and pressed the button.

The elevator started moving , " These things are so ugly and scary ", I said looking at Harry , whom was across from me.

"Are not ! I like elevators more than escalators ", he said taunting me.

" That's better ! At least were not in a little room , that just goes up and down ! ".

" Babe , no . Elevators are better " , he replied.

" No" .




*ding * the elevator doors opened . As we stopped arguing.

I got out , " Elevators SUCK ! " , I said laughing .

He smirked , " That's what she said " , and winked.

I blushed , and face-palmed myself. " Harry... ".

He started laughing, " Come on , the rooms over here " , he smiled . I followed behind him.

Number "179" , Well good thing its not 169. Harry , swiped the card and the door opened, revealing see through windows , a living room , 1 Master Bedroom, A kitchen , and a bathroom . I smiled , its gorgeous. The sun shining through , I made my way to the bedroom and smiled , the bed was huge ! I ran to the bed , and jumped, and layed on my back . I looked up at the white cealing , this is just amazing. " Do you like it ? " , Harry asked coming in the room with the suitcases.

" Yes, I Love it " , I said sitting up .

He smiled , and walked over to me , with a smirk . He was now in front of me , "Thank you , for inviting me I love it" , I said smiling . His green eyes boring in mine, the indents of his cheeks showing. " Your welcome, babe", his raspy voice said.

" Wanna go for a swim ? " , he asked , smirking.

" Yeah " , I said standing up. The space between us closer than ever.  He smiled , and kissed my cheek.

" Can I choose your bikini ? ", he asked with a smirk.

" Nooo" , I said , laughing.

" Please !", he pouted.

" Harry , I'm not going to take off the clothes I have over my bathing suit anyways", I said . I've always been insecure about my body, I've worked out , and been told I have a 'nice' body . But Still I don't wanna feel like a slut .

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